I am getting so excited for Deuce's debut into the world of showing in agility! Looks like the FAST class will be our first class, which I am glad for so we can have fun and just go out there and work obstacles and not really worry about a course per se. I will design something very flowing and nice for baby dogs and have FUN! I have already started working on a video montage of baby pictures that I can then embed the videos of him running throughout. Even if it is a full out zoom fest, I am going to put it in! After all, he is a baby and baby brains crop up at any time. I guess the feeling I have with Deuce is super excitment and confidence. I know we have prepared him for this and I know we have the foundation skills to handle what may come. I know that he won't be perfect and it will be some time before he will be, but I don't expect perfection. What I do expect is team work from him and from me, criteria to be maintained, and above all else FUN! Will I be nervous, probably so, but I am hoping that because I know he has the skill set I have trained him to have, those nerves will be alot less. I just read one of Susan Garrett's blogs about confidence in your dog and how we are so silly to step to the line and not have confidence in our dogs. It really hit home for me, especially with Miller. Why do I ever think he can't do something? Well,I am hoping that I can change that mental picture with Deuce. I am sure we still have holes to fill, still have places where we can improve and work harder, but he has the foundation layed that none of my other dogs had coming into their first show. I think for years, for me, it was all about just getting around a course, not so much thinking, what does the dog see, what is the correct line? Miller is an honest dog so I could get away with this viewpoint. Despite me, he can run a course and run it clean. With Deuce, I want to really finesse the handling of the course, the setting of the best most efficient lines (and safest), the running of the course not necessarily to Q but to run it the best I can.
Anyway, I am excited for the future and videos are to come!
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