Sunday, August 25, 2013

Speedy PD 10 K recap

Hubby and the munchkin are down for a nap so thought I would quick blog.  Yesterday was the Speedy PD 10 K out at tuttle creek lake.  Beautiful scenery for a race, large crowds and lots to do afterwards.  Supposedly there was also a kids day somewhere on the grounds of the lake but we must have missed it.  It was pretty hot so by the time awards and door prizes were done, andrew was heating up even in the shade so we decided to hustle on the to car.  Plus, I had won a 10 dollar gift certificate to the running company and it was burning a hole in my pocket.  And above all, I knew I needed some new socks.  For whatever reason, that race reminded me that my plain ole cotton socks were not cutting it at all.  My feet were raw from this race, probably because of the climbs.  My official time was 1:04:24, so a little bit slower than the last 10 K but holy hills, i will take it.  We had a mile and a half climb at about mile 4 and it was a killer.  Proud to say I ran, ever so slowly but ran, most it.  There was a water station about half way up it and I thought I'd better walk through it and get some water.  Had hydrated around mile 2.5 but there was NO shade on that hill and it was steep and went on forever!  Found some people who were going my pace and stuck with them till I couldn't do it anymore.
You can see me and robin together at the first mile, robin in pink, me in blue and a hat

This ract was definately a mental game.  I really think my body was okay but my mind started telling me I couldn't, that I needed to walk and I gave in to my mind.  I ended up walking three separate times but honestly I think if I wasn't in as good of shape as I am, that I would have walked way more.  I also saw other runners walking and I think that is like permission to walk in my head.  It was a hard race in many ways because they started the 5 K people out with the 10 K people and then we headed out and onto the main road while they turned back.  It was hard not to get caught up in their speed.  I wanted to go faster but kept telling myself that i would pay for it if I did.  My first mile was 9:25 which is a wee bit faster than I would have liked.  I settled in after that and was able to grab onto someone running my pace so I would slow down.  Of course my running buddies were long gone but I knew that would happen and I don't let that bother me.  They are both waaaaayyyyy faster than me and I know that.  Maybe in  flatter 10 K, i would try to  keep up but not this one.

The one thing that I need to work on, other than the mental game, is what to do downhill.  This race had about a mile down hill on a curvy twisty road and I felt like I spent more energy trying to go slow down hill versus just going.  I need to talk to my running coach about this.  I was proud to say that I did have enough energy to sprint across the finish line again.  The pic of me waving is about the place where you turned to go to the finish.  I also passed and stayed ahead of a lady that I am pretty sure was in my age group.  I ended up 35th or so in women and 13th in my age group.  Not the best time and finish but I am glad I finished and like I said only walked three times.  Need to work on my mental game for sure but I feel so much stronger.  This next weekend my mileage starts going up on my long runs.  Gulp.  Putting on my big girl panties and saying hey, it's only a mile more.  I never thought I would say the words, "thank god for an easy three", so I will remind myself of that when my mental game kicks in and tells me I can't.

Standing between two medalists in their age groups!  So proud to train with these ladies!
Right before I kicked in the jets
Turning and burning to the finish line.  I am so glad I had enough gas left in the tank!

The next two weekends are dog shows and the long runs get longer.  Just going to run on saturdays and then pack up the van and head to KC.  May miss a run or two on saturday but I know I won't run at the shows.  Next fun run is the color run in Lawrence.  I don't even think they time it but will have fun and run with my running buddies.  Then another 10 K in wamego which I have heard is super hilly.  Can i have ONE race that doesn't have hills PLEASE????

Body First booth.  They fix me up and I appreciate it!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

a rare sighting of the red headed spider monkey

  I now have a dare devil climber.  Pray for me.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to school 5 K

This weekend's race was amazing.  I am still floating on air.  It's really cool how one good pace or tempo run can make or break you.  After this week's tempo run, my confidence was running on high.  Knew the route and had run it slow in 31 so I knew i could improve.  Stayed with BRF till the very end.  8:51, 8:52 and 9:34.  Usually my BRF is way out ahead of me and I am sort of in a state of don't go out too fast or you will bonk mode.  This time I just threw caution to the wind, literally.  I knew the course and I knew the course went a block from my house so if I couldn't finish, i could always slink off to the house:)  

I almost puked on the last half mile.  Funny yet gross story.    Around mile 2 I was having issues with i guess phelgm or snot in my throat.  Kept trying to clear my throat.  BRF finally asked me what the heck was wrong after listening to me hack over her headphones.  I told her about the "snot"  issue.  I kept trying to get it cleared out and it wouldn't go away.  When I hit about 2.5, it got so bad so I tried to do a big swallow.  I choked on it and then gagged on it and then starting dry heaving.  Luckily i got it under control but had to do a big spit right in front of everyone.  I  have no clue what caused it or why it happened.  Of course as soon as I stopped running, the issue went away.  It was very weird to say the least and I hope no one saw me almost puke.  There was a guy there, he got third overall, and he puked for about half a mile.  It was kind of gross running by it at the end. BLeh. 

The real funny part was that there were TONS of kids lining the finish line and they were all on my right side, the side that I had just spit a huge lugi on and was continuing to wipe my mouth with that hand, side.  I had to high five those little guys and gals with my left hand.  My hubby asked why the heck was I doing that.  I told him i didn't want to high five with the snotty wet hand!  What was even more funny was my hubby barely made it to the finish line to see me finish.  He said he saw the first people at 22 or so and then all the sudden, there I was!  He barely got the camera out in time to snap a pic.  When I saw the finish timer was sitting at 27, I was in shock.  I guess when I run, I can't do math in my head but I knew i would be under 30, but had no clue i would be almost 2 minutes under!  I finished in 27:51, My previous best was like 30:04.  8th overall in my very competitive age group and 18th overall female.  I am so EXCITED!  This race gave me so much more mental strength to know that i can do this and do it faster!    I have always held back in fear of bonking but even though I had to slow up thanks to the two big hills at the very end, I still made it across the finish line and in good time!  Now If i can keep this mindset for future races!  Next weekend is going to be a different ball of wax though.  Another 10k, a hotter forecast than the last two races and mile and a half hill to do at the very end that is the most elevation climb I have EVER run on.  I am going to take this one easy for sure.  I don't want to pass out on a course at all.  I just want to finish this one.  No goals other than that:)

I found this on one of the many running blogs I read now.  I am addicted, just like i am to dog agility blogs.  I really have a very addictive personality.  This really fits both dog agility and running right now.  Still trying to decide about classes.  Interest has been pretty low on the work shop idea but high for beginners.  Maybe that is what I need, one class of my favorite type of agility, beginners and foundation skills!  Then I can rent the field and work deuce.  I am still signed up for three shows and am going to try and eek out money for a fourth.  Then we shall see how it goes.  Not ready to give up yet.  Wasn't as sad about regionals this weekend as I thought i would be.  Really was enjoing all the FB posts and cheering people on instead of throwing a pity party.  Too busy to watch the live feed.  I did feel guilty more than anything that I couldn't be there to help.  I always have wanted a USDAA active club in our area and I feel like this is the only way to get this going, to be an active helper in everything they do.  There is talk of having at least 3 USDAA shows in our area next year plus the 5 or so that Oklahoma is having so that will be nice.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I knew this would happen.  If I had entered, I would be sitting here right now stressing about how I was going to miss my baby and how I was going to dread leaving and on and on.  Instead, I am sitting here looking at the running order and wishing I had entered.  This is the daily struggle i go through now. The new normal = mommy guilt.  I feel it no matter what i do.  I thought by having my nights free and having classes on the weekend for a couple of hours that i would have less.  I did, for about a day. Then it crept up again.  Think of all the things you could be doing with andrew on a sunday afternoon! Think of all the things you will miss by not being with him!  Then the oh shit i need money for agility guilt crept up too.  I keep getting to this point where I think I have reconciled all of these feelings, the intense desire to do agility with the dog I love, my dream dog even if he is knocking bars , versus the intense feeling of I want to be a mommy and nothing else so leave me alone.  Yet they swing in and out of balance every day.  Tomorrow and the next day will be worse.  I will be watching FB all weekend and possibly the live feed like I did last year, wishing I could have been there, wishing I could have just pulled more money out of savings and said screw it.  Are these feelings and shifts of feelings ever going to end?  It's not like I an facing some big insurmountable challenge like many of my friends are facing right now.  Why can't i make a decision and feel good about it?   I have picked so many people's brains lately about what to do, quitting versus not, being a mom and having a savings account versus doing what I love and have done for the past 13 or so years.  I know people are sick of hearing me whine, hearing me question, hearing me flip flop on my decisions.  My hubby is sick of me saying, I'm not teaching, yes I am, no I'm not, I'm trying a different format, etc, etc.  My friend are sick of it too but they love me too much to say shut the hell up:)  Anyway, here I am, wishing I had entered.  Need to plan something this weekend to get me out of the house and away from the computer.   Have a race on saturday morning but other than that, nothing.  Maybe a road trip to a little kansas town to explore is in order?  That always seems to make me happier.

On another note, I was finally paired with a kid yesterday in the IRUN4 program! This is a super cool program that pairs runners with kids that have disabilities. The runners post pics and updates to their kids and I am super excited about my pairing.  His name is Brady and he is 15 years old with the mentality of an 18 month old kid.  His problems are a long list of issues but he he has an awesome mom who adopted him at the age of 4 and takes care of him.  I can't wait to dedicate my runs to him and use him as motivation when I want to quit.  Like this morning. The alarm went off at 4:45 and I all wanted to do was crawl back in bed.  Then my BRF decide to run super fast and left me running all by myself in the pitch black dark.  But instead of going to that mental whiny place,  I just ran my pace, looked at the stars and thanked the Lord that I am blessed, am mobile and can get up and run every morning when others can't.

Okay enough now.  Doing 15 minute washes which gives me way too much time to think.  Need to turn my brain off for a while and just do:)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The best tempo run EVER

This is what I sent to my running coach so Syndey, if you are reading this, it is an exact copy LOL:

I had to tell you about last night's tempo run. Our schedule is all discombobulated because of the 5 K on saturday, so we switched the tempo run to monday, the easy run to wed and then we will do our pace run on saturday and our long run on sunday (at super slow crawly speed :).  Well, I wasn't looking forward to running.  It had rained in the morning so we couldn't do our normal routine.  Running at night = no eating or very little eating and let's face it, I LOVE to eat:)  Anyway, got home, ate a couple of boiled eggs and waited. BRF had open house at work so couldn't get off till 8 or so.  Finally by 8:20 we were heading out.  The dreaded question was what pace. She is always pushing my pace and even when I say, this is what I am doing, she still pushes it but that is why I love her.  So i replied, I would like to go a little under 10 minutes, maybe around 9:50.  Set my watch and off we went and guess what?  First mile was a 9:24 and second was a 9:30 and i felt GREAT!  Had a cramp at mile 2.78 so had to walk a few steps (maybe the eggs coming back to haunt me?) but was able to finish on a 10:13.  I was SUPER stoked.  Finally, a great tempo run.  Side note, BRF was not feeling well and had to stop at mile 1.1.  I got so far ahead of her that i am not sure how her run ended.  We met back up at our starting point and stretched but she still wasn't feeling well and had to leave.  I really was floating on a high and still am.  Just had to share:)

Thinking about the race this weekend.  My  PR  for 5 K is 30:03.  The course is super hilly but thinking about pushing it.  Since it is in my hometown, if I bonk, I could sneak home LOL.  What do you think?

I would love to get a sub 30 on a 5 K.  Not sure if this is the course to try it out on.  Ran it the other day in 31 something but that was not pushing it.  The hills still haunt me.  I have this huge fear like every other runner that I will bonk and not finish.  Even when I have to do a little walking in a race, I still seem to get good pace (well good for me that is).  I just don't want to let anyone see me walk.  I once before kid or BK had a race in lawrence.  It was a afternoon race and it was super hot and super humid.  I went out way too fast and then struggled the next two miles to keep it going.  I had set my sights on passing and beating this one lady and so her and I switched back and forth.  I had to do some walking.  It was just so darn hot and I was embarrassed.  Well as I approached the final turn into the finish area, I had to run.  I thought I was going to pass out but I didn't want anyone to see me walking!  I can't remember my finish time but that was the worst race I have ever run and get this, I got a silver medal in my age group!!!!   So i guess walking isn't the end of the world but still, I would like to avoid it.  

So back to dog agility for a minute.  I am now signed up for three shows and will probably do one or two more this year.  I had a great long talk with my agility mentor/coach and we agreed that deuce's bar issue could be a timing thing due to lack of practice.  We did notice that his timing seemed off on several courses at the last USDAA trail so I think that could be a plausible cause.  He doesn't appear to having a jumping issue per se so we are going to go with that thought.  Now to figure out how to get some practicing in before our fall season starts.  We have been taking him on some of our runs to help him get into shape and playing lots of ball so I think his conditioning is getting better.  I have decided to try a new format to teaching.  I had planned on doing a six week class but on sundays versus during the week.  I didn't get great response, only three handlers total could come.  So I am trying a new format of little mini workshops versus a 6 week class schedule.  That way maybe those who couldn't commit to six weeks of sundays could at least commit to one.  This was all my mentor's idea and a fine idea it is:)   I am brainstorming on the best topics to cover.  The favorite one is usually contact and weave poles so will start on that one.  Would like to do one on international courses as well as they are SO much fun.  Now to think up four o more.  Asked the students if they had some interesting topics but haven't gotten anything back from them. Impulse control is always a fav but wondering if people could handle 2 hours of impulse control exercises.  Anyway, my hope is that I can incorporate him into the classes like I use to before I had to go straight from work to the field and maybe even get some drill work done before and after class.  I miss taking him as he is a great demo dog, usually for what you shouldn't do LOL!  

Not much to report on the kid front other than he wears me out and is highly mobile now.  His favorite thing to do right now is try and run.  He looks like a baby chimp when he runs with his hands up in the air.  He falls alot so we have had some bruises but he is so dang brave.  The dogs have been running into him more so we have to watch that as well.  I think they forget how easy it is to topple him.  This is my fav pic of him and stella right now:)

Monday, August 5, 2013

First 10 K back post baby

If you recall way back (back in 2011), I had just started training for 5 ks and 10 ks.  My very last race before I found out i was preggers and the morning sickness hit full force was a 10 K.  Ran it in 59 something or other thanks to my running buddies who finished and then came back and ran the last mile or so yelling at me to RUN. I was addicted to this distance and couldn't wait to start training for it again.  As soon as I was able and medically cleared from the c-section, I started back training for more 10 Ks.  I love that this distance is a combination of speed and distance.  

Post race recap of my first 10 K back, the Brew to Shoe.  We ran from the local brewery to the local running shoe and stuff store.  One of my running idols from wamego needed a ride so it helped alot to have her at the start line with me.  Even though she left me before the gun to get to the front, I didn't have any issues with my stomach and didn't have time to let my nerves get to me.  It was a gun start but we had to cross a very narrow timing mat for the time to officially start.  I was forced to the mid of the pack and to start out super slow, which was fine with me.  Found another lady from wamego that I knew had a similar pace and we stayed together for the first 3 or so miles.  We would high five at every mile and I kept her talking so she would breath and relax. First three splits were like 10:04, 10:15, and 10:11.  Felt good, felt like I had more in the tank to give.  I knew the hills started around mile 4 or 5 so wanted to have enough to get up them.  The first hill was straight up but I ran the whole way.  Was trying a different strategy of taking water at water stations and taking one good gulp. Humidity was a bit high and I had had issues with my calf muscles cramping.  Normally I just pass them by unless it super hot.  I hit the series of hills next and I made sure the water station before that one that i actually walked and got two good gulps of water in.  First hill made it up no problem. Second starting kicking my butt. We were at the end of mile 4 and I was hurting.  Ran half way up and then power walked to the top.  Got to the top, started running again and then had the GIANT KILLER HILL.  I made it about a third of the way up and just had to power walk the rest.  I think I had a fairly slow fourth mile maybe a 10:16 and then the fifth mile was around 10:56.  Finished strong even though I got a side stitch around mile 5.5.  Lots of cheering and spectators. Loved the man at the mid of the worst hill just cheering us on and telling us how strong we were.  Was an awesome feeling to say, yeah, I am powerful and guess what, I only have a MILE TO GO!   Actually sprinted the last quarter of a mile and crossed at 1:03:24.  My running partner was not entered but she was at the finish line and she cheered me on to GO GO GO.  Not my goal time but pretty darn close.  I think without those hills I could have been closer to an hour.  I felt really, really good and even drank the celebratory beer they were giving out (and felt like crap the rest of the day but good at the time:).  Next race in two weekends.  Have a 5 K and a 10 K the next weekend.  Hoping my legs can keep up with all of this!  That's why i get up at 5 am every morning and train right?  Just as I get my dogs massaged after a long day of agility, I am splurging and getting a massage tomorrow.  My legs are tight and they need all the help they can get.  

I am still amazed at how much mental running is and how much it is similar to dog agility.  There are little voices that tell you that you can't, that you aren't good enough and that you shouldn't be doing this or out there doing what you love.  I just tell them to shut up.  I am living a dream in both dog agility and running.  I am meeting some goals, falling short on some but training to get back up to speed.  Hoping deuce's bar issue is going to go away soon.  Proud of my running this weekend even though I didn't PR.  Can't wait to cheer everyone on at regionals.  Ready to get back out there and run/play dog agility:)  Next race in 2 weeks!!!!!  A very hilly 5 K.  Did the course today and did it in 31 minutes.  Need to push more and I think I can get it down. Next dog show end of august.  Ready to run with my baby:)