Introducing Western Hill's Far Beyond Driven aka Deuce! I will have to work on the name as i also have to add the co-breeder's name as well which is Los Suenos. I am getting very excited and anxious to go pick him up. Trying to decide if we are going to change our routines and what we are going to feed him (puppy food vs adult food). We have decided he is going to be in an x-pen during the day and then crated at night. We recently pulled up the carpet in the living room to expose the hardwood floors so now we can at least have a good place to put the x-pen just in case we have accidents. Reading up on all of the things I need to do training wise and am very excited. Am so lucky that my trainer is also training a puppy the same age. I am looking into several training seminars to go to in the future as well. I haven't had a pup in 6 years and things have really changed in our sport so very excited to have a new little one to try alot of this stuff with. I am really wanting to take it slow with this guy and not rush anything. I think I felt a sense of rush with harley and I don't want to do that with this pup. Am going to try and blog alot with training process so i can have at training log to look.
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