I decided to take Deuce to Truine's show n go and just work on the teeter and stays in a different surrounding with different equipment. I am so proud of him even though he did get the zoomies and I spent most of my time getting him to come back from where Harley and Miller were stationed. We did several bangs on the teeter and then a few full teeters with contact criteria. I also got to sequence the table in so he did his table behavior and then teeter. I also got a few start line stays in as well. I am slightly worried that he was very concerned as to where the other dogs were at all times. Previously at the shows, he never cared if I got him out and worked him or even took him over the practice jump off leash. This was the first time I saw a little bit of stress in him as he kept running out of the ring to go see them. I had started all of his training with them out of the picture in a "sterile" enviroment where he couldn't see them or hear them and I have slowly been working them back into the picture (great for stay training for the big dogs). He will some times diengage from me and go check them out but not the extent he was showing me at the show n go. I tried to get Tony to take them out so Decue could work with me and not worry about them (miller was not happy i was in the ring without him and was barking) but Tony was not in a good mood and argued with me so I gave up. He basically didn't want to go out into the mud so was pitching a temper fit. All in all, I am very happy about our progress and very grateful to get to take him to a different place with new equipment. He as well as the other dogs have been cooped up this whole winter so a little bit of zooming was good for him. I imagine when we get ready to show, he will do this then as well but he is so dang cute zooming that I am sure we will just laugh and go on!
I hope to start working on the a-frame after I drag our new one home from nationals this weekend. I bought one of the a-frames that they will use in the rings. I am going to start out teaching him a running a-frame and go from there. I will try and video this process as well. I also hope in the next couple of weeks to start him in class so he will get on Lori's equipment on a regular basis. We haven't done much with the full height dog walk or the a-frame so looking forward to start training these obstacles.
Nationals will be deuce's first big time away from me as I had decided to just take miller and not have to worry about him. He will be with his daddy and his other grandma all weekend so they should keep him entertained. I would love to take him but really need to focus on the miller man as this will probably be his last AKC nationals:(, plus it is so much easier to travel with just Miller. He is quiet, you can leave him in the room by himself and not worry about him barking, and he goes potty when told and has a very regular schedule which is helpful late at night when you just want to sleep.
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