Well, spring has sprung finally. Starting to see green grass and flowers poking their heads up from the ground. Starting to see mud being taken over by greenness. Starting to have daylight later so I can do some training at night. I am still trying to keep the majority of my equipment off of the backyard so that the grass can get all the sunlight it needs to dry out and grow. I did drag the teeter out tonight and some jumps to do a speed circle. We worked on toes on the teeter a few times and then launched into some speed circle work. Once I got him going really good, I would call out a here or an out or a turn or something to see if he was really paying attention. Keep in mind, I am having the jumps set extremely low so he isn't really jumping, more just paying attention to commands. He had previously done some "drive by nipping" as I like to call it but for whatever reason tonight, didn't do any of that. If I noticed he was focusing too much on my movement or looked like he might nip, I would throw the food tube and give him a go on command. This helped him to focus forward and not so much on me.
This weekend I did get him over the practice jump at the show and did some great drill work and was so proud of him. We are working on rear crosses and he is coming along so nicely! He is really reading my motion and my foot work and know exactly which way to turn. He seems very in tune to my body, so much so that I can just say turn and turn my shoulders, not using my hands at all and he gets it. We also worked on front crosses and wrapping tight (jump super low) and jumping collected. Granted no one was in the ring while we were working but I was really proud of his attention span and his work ethic.
I have also been very happy with his behavior in the crate or ex-pen as we have been using at shows. The last two shows have been very small so we have experimented with using the ex-pen instead of dragging four crates in. I LOVE having the ex-pen because all four dogs fit and they can all stretch out and rest. Unfortunately we won't be able to use it at all shows but it sure has been nice to use it lately. Of course miller hates it because he loves small dark places so crates are his favorite and deuce steps all over him but he tolerates it pretty well. He tries to go in everyone else's crate that is near! He will get to go to Nationals with me all by himself as I am leaving Deuce with daddy so he will like that alot.
I am still having problems with Deuce eating poop. I have started all dogs on Potty mouth and am trying to pick up the yard everyday. He and harley still are finding poop to eat though and I am doing everything I can to stop it. I actually caught harley trying to catch it as it came out of berry's butt this morning (SUPER ICK). I don't have time to clean the yard twice a day so hoping the potty mouth takes care of it. It is going to cost us a fortune as all dogs have to be on it for two weeks and they get 1 pill per 10 lbs of body weight so everyone gets 4 except miller who gets 5 a day. I am just sick of the poop eating. I fear that it is a learned behavior now and i will never get rid of it. Am seriously thinking about using an aversive to deter them if the potty mouth doesn't work. Hate to do it but it is a very yucky unhealthy habit. I don't like leaving them out unattended at all anymore as they find poop and eat it so they aren't getting much outside morning time. I can't imagine they are nutritional deprived as they get the best food I can afford (Wellness) and both Deuce and Harley get a cup 2 x a day. We have a ton of toys and chewies outside so they have plenty to do and are only outside maybe an hour unsupervised a day. I don't know what else to do as home remedies have not worked for me in the past with other foster dogs we have had with this issue:(
Per Ami and Melissa's training advice and videos, am teaching Deuce how to do a hand or paw stand. We are shaping him putting his hind feet up the door by putting a cooler and then a taller cooler and then a clothes basket up against the door. He is doing great with it and hope to have some video to put on here soon. We may never get a full paw stand but I like how it helps him stretch out and helps him think things through. I LOVE shaping behaviors and seeing the little wheels in their head click and try to figure out what I want. I am still working on "put your big butt in the air" which is basically a play bow. He still is doing great with wave, shake, high five, low five, sit, down, back up, back up the the steps or beep, beep, and roll over. I need to teach him to put his head down and are you shy. Only so much time in the day though LOL!
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