Saturday, April 2, 2011

Competitive Obedience seminar

I couldn't sleep, too much caffeine on the way home to keep me awake driving and now it is 11 pm and my body is exhausted but my brain won't shut off. Took a melatonin, now writing till it kicks in. I have to be up at a reasonable hour tomorrow so I can go do some agility. Anyway, Deuce and I had our very first obedience seminar today and I am so EXCITED!!!!!! I have always wanted to do obedience and i really, really feel like Deuce is my first chance at being successful in this foray. Deuce wants to please, he offers behaviors and is very easy to work with. He is also a treat whore and will work for anyone so he is easy to hand off and watch the behavior being trained to make sure I do it right when it is my turn. Without going into a blow by blow re-enactment of the seminar here, I will just say i learned so much. I think before I sort of understood obedience but now I REALLY understand it. It was so nice to have everything broken down to the smallest piece and every part of the behavior broken down and shown how to be taught and how not to be taught for that matter. It was also so nice to have someone really explain the foot work and really make me do it in front of them and critique every little part, good and bad. I have already been walking around the house saying "plant, toe, heel, go":) While I struggle with walking with my feet straight and left and rights, and I will probably be super sore tomorrow, I feel like I have a way better understanding of the precision it takes to do competitive obedience. Even the feeding of the behavior requires precision LOL! I used string cheese today and Deuce got quite a bit so we will have to see if that upsets his stomach but I just can't put hot dogs or anything else in my mouth YUCK! We will also have to practice our spitting technique as I am having to take the food out of my mouth with my hands and put it into his mouth. I also have alot of props to make tomorrow so YIPEE for good weather tomorrow. This gives me motivation and determination and am ready to set some goals and train towards them. I so want deuce to be a multi-discipline doggy:) I did have to laugh today, some of the time we had the dogs out working but alot of the time we were listening and the dogs were just at our feet. Apparently deuce gets bored pretty quickly so instead of laying nicely at my feet, he was rolling around, making noises, and playing with his leash. He was the class clown!

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