Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More training videos and teeter training

So this is our video of beep-beep, back-up Deuce. I have been working on back-up and my friend Ami had her dogs back up the steps so I thought I would try it. I am eventually going to fade out the back-up command and just call it beep-beep. I taught him this in about 5 minutes. I did have to put some pressure to get him started by mostly shaped his behavior. I also cheated and used the command back-up, which he knows, so not true shaping, but oh well! I have been doing lots of trick training with him since the weather has been so crappy here lately!

I did get out today and work the table, the teeter and a very low jump. I have already linked the teeter with his toes command and he is doing okay but I do have some concerns. I have him do a behavior before we do the teeter such as here (touch my hand) or sit or down. I then have him go walk it and ask for toes. Most of the time he runs to the end and bangs it down into position, but he is starting to go a little too fast, bang it down and keep on going. He realizes pretty quickly that he missed toes so he immediately turns around, bangs it down with his front end and then puts his back feet on it. While I do like the fact that he knows he is wrong and he tries to fix it, I am not sure I want him to do that as his behavior as in, do the teeter, miss the toes, go back and fix it. I need to talk to Lori and see what she thinks about this. I am at this point not rewarding this but going back and starting over and then rewarding when he does stick it. I may have introduced movement or distance too soon to his toes command so I will work backwards and then start introducing movement and distance again.

I also worked on table today. I have been shaping his table or "load up" in the house with the bed in the house, so he is transferring this behavior very well. Today I decided to add the 5 count so he gets use to hearing that and also adding movement on my part into the equation. He did break the first couple of times I started moving, but he soon realized no reward if I don't hold my position. He also got to do some tugging today instead of just treats so that he gets a varied type of reward. I think he is starting to get out of the must have food as a reward attitude, thank goodness.

Lastly today, I worked a jump with the bar very, very low. We just worked on "go jump" with me throwing the food tube and restraining him so he was driving to the food tube. We are doing much work yet with the jumping, still got lots of growing to do.

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