I really need to work more on impulse control on this puppy! He is a wild child, especially in a crowded trial situation. Everyone is his best friend and every dog loves him or so he thinks. My forearms are killing me right now from dealing with his lunging to go see whatever or who ever. I think we may have to have a little visit from the pinch collar. I don't think it will take maybe one or two corrections and I think he will get the point loud and clear. We had a couple of coming to jesus meetings this weekend and that would work for a little while and then his brain would switch back over to "I know this person wants to pet me really, really bad!", so who knows. We did some work at the trial but I was so busy with either miller or helping tony that I really didn't get in as much work as I had wanted to do. He has great focus when food is in the picture so that is nice that I have a weapon. Toys are 50/50, some times he will focus on play an other times not but I don't think that is a stress issue, more of just a brain gone, want to go play with that dog or person instead of the mommy. I have a feeling that we will be having some visiting going on in his first few novice runs. It was so nice to watch so many people start their novice dogs this weekend. I can't wait to be doing that too! That is if we ever get to get on equipment again due to this crappy weather! Lori's puppy is already working on a running dog walk and a-frame and poor Deuce has only been on a couple of contacts period. Oh well, his foundation should be solid when we get started.
Funny story, when I got back from the show, I had gotten a second wind and decided to pick up poop from the backyard. Now, I haven't done this in about three months so it was super bad. I picked up two tall garbage bags full of poop if that tells you anything. Anyway, deuce was outside just running laps and playing either with harley or by himself and in the process got covered in mud. He did this for two hours and when I finished I had decided that I wanted to take a shower. Tony thought it would work to just put deuce in the tub with me while i showered. Well, I am happy to report that it did work and I did get all the mud off of his feet and legs and he didn't freak out too bad but harley decided to join us shortly after deuce got out of the tub. Needless to say, the water got super cold and I still had to wash off as I was then covered in mud! I now have two white legged dogs but who knows how long that will last since our yard is still pretty muddy.
Deuce is worn out and sleeping under my chair and I am hoping he will sleep all night and not be restless. He is a very good boy at shows 99% of the time, just sleeping in his crate or watching. He doesn't seem to get too hyped up watching other dogs warm up or run (other than miller) so I am pleased with this. Maybe he has a little shred of impulse control! I was hoping to get to see his brother this weekend but sherry didn't bring him:( She says that Deuce is bigger, both taller and heavier so can't wait to see them together again. Deuce did get to play with some of the other dogs at the trial and we did do some waits in the kennel with the kennel door open and me sitting back down and waiting for a while till I released him. We even worked on releases with different words and using body motion instead of the word okay and I was very pleased that he was waiting for the proper release. Funny thing was, I would always make him sit before opening the door in or out and I would wait to release him and he would explode through the door so wonder if that is how he is going to come off of the start line? YIKES!
Okay going to bed now. Can't believe I am still even functioning. Didn't get much sleep last night and then had to get up super early since it was tall to small today. NEED SLEEP!
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