Monday, May 9, 2011

Bellvue weekend 2011

Back from Bellvue, getting ready to go teach in the heat. Wow, went from winter straight to summer. Good old Kansas weather:) Once again I am very pleased with our weekend. Deuce finished his open JWW title and got his first leg in excellent A standard. We would have been 100% but he knocked one bar in both excellent A JWW and standard. I think both bars were my fault:( I did a very tight front cross and he went wide and I crowded him when he came back in and i just don't think he could collect enough to get it. The other bar was the triple going straight into the tunnel. I think i said go tunnel and he just saw it and forgot jumping. When I slow down the video, he might have taken off to early but not sure. Doesn't matter, a bar is a bar but so close to a perfect weekend!!!!! We had so much fun camping although deuce was very restless friday night. He seems to know that change is coming (the new puppy) and he is being very clingy. He slept on top of me all weekend which he sometimes does when we travel, and he barked alot when I left him in his crate, even when we were visiting some friends. He got to watch the lady Gaga concert with us because he just wouldn't stop so i guess he got his way. He was perfectly content just laying next to me while we watched though.

Here is the time for the positives and negatives.

Positives: The lead out in standard on saturday from the table. YES YES y'all:) Wanted to be up the line and had to run to get there. It worked nicely, didn't have to do any crazy rears or fronts like alot of people were doing. I am so glad I can trust his start line and table. It basically was a straight line into the weaves so i had to decclerate to make sure he didn't run into them full speed and he READ my decel. Yeah baby-D. Super nice start to JWW on saturday. Was going to baby sit it and try a post turn but decided not to and try to turn him basically across my body and send him. It made for a very nice line and the turn kept him tight. It also took the off course weaves out of the entire picture. Finished the course nicely but it was reactive handling again. Lead out in JWW ex A was also nice although I needed to move a little earlier. It is funny, it takes one time of something not working to make me baby sit it. I had previously done this lead out and he had disregarded it and ran past to the off course jump. That was what stuck in my mind and I guess it made me hold up until i had his head and then go instead of making it smooth and just moving as he was with me. The course was weird, was a huge box drill and he didn't take any of the off course options and there was a ton of them. He was with me but I did say here about a thousand times. Need to keep my mouth shut:) Standard was a nice run too, just creepy contacts again and that dang bar but was my fault. Great weave poles and great drive although Miller had a kick ass run and beat him time wise. Pretty bad that a 12 year old beat him but miller has a running a-frame and runs tight tight tight. Deuce had some wide turns especially out of the chute to the weaves. Overall, very happy with the weekend on his end, need to make some changes on my end.

Negatives: This catagory is so on me. I am baby sitting the contacts yet again. Would some one please smack the crap out of me? I know he is going to get them, he knows his 2 on 2 off like the back of his paw so why am I not trusting it? I had one dog walk where he was driving to the bottom and miller had busted his on the course and I went into baby sit mode for no reason, which slowed him down. He is not miller, he is not miller, oh yeah, he is not miller. I mishandled a line where I thought I needed to go out to the end of the chute and then turn back. In hindsight, I needed to be on the landing side of the next jump and just called him to me. Still learning lines with him. Was out of position on the saturday JWW course because I baby sat the weaves and had to do an emergency rear and then a bad front. Thank goodness he listened and didn't jump the off course jump but it cost us several places in the ribbons. Once again, I am babysitting things so BAD ME! He is not miller, say it with me, he is not miller. I can trust this dog so why am I not? I need to run him more when I don't run miller to see if that affects me at all. I also need to run his contacts like I do in class. He does seem to be getting better at not pouncing on the a-frame but still not getting driving to the bottom and it is costing us seconds which kills us in the ribbons, especially when we get into B.

I am a little scared, we are in excellent A in all classes for aussie nationals and lori won't be there to smack me when I walk things wrong or try stupid things. I know I have to take the training wheels off at some point but I am really enjoying having her input. She'd better keep her phone close so I can send her course maps next weekend:) He is so much fun to run and I don't even get nervous before I run him. I know this is TMI but I don't think I was in the bathroom once this weekend with a nervous stomach. It is so nice to go to the line and be confident. Now I just need to stop baby sitting and just run him like I know I can!!!!!!

Link to video:

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