Saturday, August 6, 2011

The highs and the lows of it all

In St. Louis, bored in the hotel so thought I would write a minute. Too hot to do anything outside and Deuce barks in the hotel so can't leave him by himself and go sight seeing or shopping. Sometimes I really miss trialing with Miller because he is so easy to travel with. We had three runs yesterday and two today and it is so weird how much baby dogs can swing one way or the other running wise. Yesterday was so nice, very fast consistent runs with Qs in every run (T2B, Ex A JWW, Ex A standard). Great contacts, great weave poles (other than in T2B). Today weird things happened. For instance we were going into a sort of box type scenario with four jumps and he was suppose to go straight ahead and then turn back to the right for a 180. It is a sequence we do time and time again and it should have been a piece of cake. Instead, he turned off the 1st jump of the 180. I watched the video over and over again nothing I did with my body, arms, hands, or voice, said turn to the left in front of the jump. He managed to get over the jump but of course got a refusal. Got him back and he ran around a jump on the way to a tunnel, but my hand was down so my fault. We ended the rest of the run GREAT though and it felt so nice to get it back after a little bit of a weird bobble. In JWW, we weren't so lucky. We had to do a collection right at the beginning and once again, even though I have been working it and working it, he blew past me and we didn't have as tight of a turn as I had wanted. Because I had to work it more to get him in the tunnel, it put me behind for the next part of the sequence. Quite literally, it blew my brain and I totally went the wrong way and got off track. I tried to get it back, first mistake was on him, second mistake was on me but I just couldn't get it back. He ended up knocking bars, missing a jump, missing a weave pole entry, running past a tunnel and just plain craziness. I just ended up doing a wahoo loop to get the heck out of there. I look forward to running again tomorrow and avenging both of our mistakes LOL! It's just weird to go from such a high where he had 3 Qs and great runs to such lows of our last run today JWW. Part of the fun of running a baby dog.

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