Miss Stella and tony have been busy bees finally and I am happy. Stella is now starting the bang game which she loves just like her big bro Deuce and has a nicely shaped down and sit. She is starting to be able to handle doing her hand touches, sits and downs in public with more distractions. This weekend, since I am home, we are going to take our show on the road. Stella is also doing well with her tugs and we have started lots of chase games with her involving tugging at the end. We introduced her to the tunnel the other night and she was doing a 20 footer with a slight bend in it by the end. She still likes it when Deuce goes through first but did several with tony and some restrained recalls. She is doing something i do not like so we have been working on this naughty behavior. If I am working deuce and she is not being held or restrained, she comes after deuce and bites him on the neck. It is almost like a control thing. We are working on redirecting this desire to grip moving object (mainly deuce and harley) to tugging. She is doing better so I think it is something very easy to work through, just need to be diligent. We don't need an agility dog that keys off of motion. We also had her on the down ramp of the dog walk last night with her tug toy about 10 feet out and had her driving to her toy. I was so proud of her drive and hope we can keep it up for her running contacts. She just seems to catch onto stuff so quickly, but again I think it is because she is a she.
Stella is also going to puppy class once a week and LOVING it. The funny thing is, they are doing the Ian Dunbar way and everyone is trying to lure her into positions. She just looks at them like what in the heck do you want. When they stand up straight and ask for a behavior, she promptly gives it and they are just shocked she doesn't need a lure. i love shaping:)
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