Last day of my vacation, back to the grind tomorrow. I have to stay, even with the morning sickness and overall feeling of exhaustion, tony and i had a really, really fun time. We have never had a real vacation, especially without the dogs ever. We never even had a honeymoon! So this was kind of like all of those things rolled into one. We were very lucky in that my mom came up from TN and house and puppy sat for us while we were gone. Tony was in meetings pretty much till 4:30 everyday but I busied myself with museums and tours while he was busy. Eating was here and there, sometimes I could eat and most times I couldn't, yet I still managed to gain 2 lbs:) I had lost 4 so I am kind of happy about that. For whatever reason I like eating sweet things in the morning and having my full fat lattes (yes, I allow myself one caffeinated drink a day) and of course I have switched over to regular soda (mainly sierra mist since it uses real sugar) so I am sure those calories alone are what are packing on the weight. Anyway, got to see the voodoo museum, the aquarium, the pharmacy museum, a city tour and a cemetery tour. Tony got to do the city tour and the aquarium and also we did a swamp tour together. For whatever reason, my appetite always came back at night so we had some good dinners including Dickie Brennan's steak house (best prime rib and mashed sweet potatoes ever) and Coop's fried chicken. I am not a big seafood person so tony had oysters and seafood gumbo and all that fun seafood stuff. Seafood made my stomach turn a little and i have never been a seafood person anyway so I didn't miss it.

Now onto me whining about being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, this is a huge miracle and I am very happy that we are experiencing this but my active lifestyle has taken a huge backseat. I am pretty much having all day morning sickness but thank goodness, no puking. I just feel like I have the worst hang over ever all day till about 4 and then all the sudden it passes and I am starving. I am tired all day, the worst in the morning. I have never been a morning person but this is way worse. I have gotten in the habit of getting my morning sickness/motion bands on as soon as I wake up and I do think they are helping. I have not felt like working out at 5:30 am at all. I am going to try again next week but I am not optimistic. Getting up, shoving food in my mouth and then working out just doesn't sound like a good time. I would rather sleep off the foggy haze that I seem to wake up in. Plus, even though I don't puke, I do gag a lot and i like doing that in private, not in front of a group class:) Running has been non existant too. I am out of breath all the time for some weird reason and have no stamina. I started doing the couch to 5 K program with tony before we left for vacation and I was struggling to do 1 minute of running. YIKES! To go from 6 miles 5 times a week to struggling with 1 minute is very weird to me. I worked so hard to build up to that and to see it all go away is sad. Everyone says in the second trimester I will feel better so I am hoping they are right. I had this fleeting vision of hardly any weight gain and being fit and trim and those visions are leaving very quickly.
So how does this all affect baby-D? Well, I haven't made it to three of our practices thanks to feeling like crap and we have a show next weekend and then two in december. I am trying to go out to the farm and get little short practices in but I can tell he is really getting rusty without classes. Of course we won't have class anymore since lori is moving to KC so i need to get use to this but am having major motivation issues to make it to practice! The days of course are getting darker earlier and it is dark when I get up so need to go to practices at the lighted field. Also bummed because lots of great seminars like stuart mah and ann braue are coming up but all around the time I will be giving birth. I also need to start banking days off for maternity leave. I guess I don't get any extra time, have to use my sick leave and vacation. I have 35 days banked in my sick leave so hoping I don't have to use any of that until then. I have this horrible visions of being bed ridden and not being able to work or do agility. I had tony run deuce some yesterday in open practice and I am sure he can run him no problem. He is use to running a fast dog and as long as he holds his contacts, I will be fine with him running him, especially when it comes closer to time for me to birth. Baby-D seems to be taking it in stride, still his normal goofy lovable self. May have to look into crating him and stella when I start getting bigger and more uncomfortable as they both lay on top of me when we sleep. Hate to do that but I could see that arrangement being a problem for me getting good sleep.
Anyway, Just needed to sit down and get some stuff out. Need to go clean the yard, have a beginner agility lesson to go teach. Enough of me whining, I am sure our little family and lifestyle will adjust and be fine. I am very scared, very excited and very determined to get my active life back as soon as this little alien settles down.
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