Tuesday, June 21, 2011

early mornings

I have been taking a work out class twice a week at (YIP) 6:00 am in the morning. For those who know me, I am NOT a morning person and I generally do not wake up till around lunch time. Most people just leave me alone till I start conversing with them or after I have had my moring diet coke. Well, the good news is because I am up, I am getting alot of training done with baby-D while it is still cool. Since I moved my equipment back, I can't do much more than a few small drills, but I can do lots of stuff with weaves. I have been doing lots of weave pole games to work on collection in and also entries with just sets of 4. Getting a mix of success and failure but the failure is good because it gives me a chance to let him know that he is wrong and then set him up for success. Today we worked on a hard pull back to an obstacle after the weaves, something we saw at the show and were not successful at. He did better for sure but does look at the off course option still. Guess we need to do some fast heel work around inviting obstacles like tunnels, maybe even some stay at my side work while we run around the course and no taking obstacles unless released work. I love this time with him though, all the discoveries of what he is lacking in or what he has down. They are like clay right now, turning into whatever you mold them into. Every show I have a list of things we did well and things we need to work on and the next few weeks till the next show are devoted to getting all of these things better. I do so much better when i have a goal to work towards or specific things to work on versus, oh just go out and train whatever. Can't wait for open practice this week to work on some accel/decel drills. Maybe I can get some videos made this time of what we are working on. Now, if I could just get out of bed on the days I don't work out and run:)

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