Thursday, June 30, 2011


Okay so we bloggers were challenged to talk about volunteering so here goes. I feel like in our area, finding volunteers isn't a problem. I like both systems of signing up ahead of time (especially for the big jobs like scribe and timer) as well as having a board with blanks and letting people jump in when they have time. Most trials in our area do a combo of both and it seems to work really well. I got the chance to be a ring steward at a two ring, two judge trial not to0 long ago (we had one for each ring) and I really, really enjoyed it. Other than one person accusing me of not giving them their worker's dollars for two days (which was a big mix up as I was, he was just loosing them) it was a very pleasant experience and I would gladly do so again. I really got to put people's names to their faces and got to meet some people I didn't even know, but were just friends on FB. Everyone was very willing to pitch in if there was a hole and the doggy dollars were a very nice touch. Some of the trials in our area have a worker's raffle and I have won a variety of fun stuff including a NADAC hoop and a portrait sitting with a photographer. I have also been to very small trials in our area (mainly USDAA) where pretty much every competitor present had to pitch in and help, some more than others of course, but our USDAA is so small that we all pretty much work every class or have the option of being there till midnight. I really haven't seen the issues that maybe bigger clubs experience or bigger trials experience. I feel like I am young and I don't have any medical issues and I enjoy volunteering so I do. I don't think people should be made to feel guilty for not volunteering at all. For some, the trial is very serious and they need time to think and strategize and plan or tend to their dogs. For me, I need to be busy, I am always up and walking anyway so it is better for me to be using that nervous energy for something productive. My dogs don't take a ton of time to warm up and as long as I have walked the course 5 or 6 times, I am good to go. I enjoy working with others and learning about course building and even though I am not a morning person, will come super early to help get courses started. Just don't try carrying on a lengthy conversation with me if it is early:)

I have met those that are not suited to be volunteers at all. They are very nasty to others, they don't have patience with the newbies, and they seem to get on a God trip with whatever job they have been assigned. I always try to be nice to everyone because I was a newbie once and I probably wouldn't volunteer near as much as I do if I had had a bad experience. Heck, I have been doing agility for probably 10 years now and I still have trouble remembering how to set a USDAA double or at what height the table goes up or down in AKC. So I guess the big picture is don't make people feel guilty if they don't want to volunteer and if we who like to volunteer want to shoulder a big load and do alot of work, let us. I really enjoy helping so use me and abuse me. I will for sure let you know if I need a break or can't volunteer for whatever reason.

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