This has been the week from hell. I guess this is part of parenthood so I should just get use to it. The week went something like this.
Monday: beautiful day because of course it was a rest day. Contemplated going out anyway but my legs said do it and die bitch, so i listened.
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he figured out how to couple his other train to his train set. This kid is getting smart! |
Tuesday: Dropped Andrew off at preschool. He has started coughing but no fever and i was pretty sure it was viral. He had been a little more fussy than normal but he has had this cold for 8 days now. Preschool teacher told me that he had been very fussy at school and was not eating at all. He had not really been eating well at home either so mommy intuition thought it might be an ear infection even though no fever. Called the doctor and the doctor said to bring him in. Had a few hours before I had to trek to Manhattan so dropped him off, got four miles in and went back and got him and took him to the dr. Dr. says, viral, no ear infection, nothing I can do. Drop him back at preschool and decide to take the rest of the day off and get stuff done around the house minus Andrew. All in all, a nice productive day although the kids at work had to do a prep without me and I felt very guilty about that.
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playing on my kindle with his fav app |
Wednesday: Had mexican the night before. Had ingested some onions. Onions HATE me and give me horrible indigestion. I woke up feeling like I had a bad case of indigestion which got worse and worse as the morning wore on. Finally puked in the garbage can at work and felt like pure poop. As soon as the kids came in, I went home where I spent the rest of the day in bed/praying to the porcelain gods. Andrew was a saint and watched Disney channel/slept and even though tony had the same issue but from the other end, he took him and let me rest
die a slow death. Last puking episode happened around midnight. No running that day but no desire to run either.
Thursday: Went to work. Probably shouldn't have. Was super weak and going on 24 hours with no food. Screwed up and experiment at work. Got the call around 1:30 that andrew was running a fever. Headed out to wamego as quick as I could. Sure enough, he was running a low grade fever. Called the dr who called in an antibiotic (thank you, you saved me another trip into town). Got a chocolate milkshake as all I had stomached all day was a little portion of trail mix. That was the only thing that sounded remotely yummy. Andrew and I shared it and i got him dosed with some Tylenol for his fever. Spent the rest of the afternoon watching Disney channel. To All of you moms who don't let you kids watch tv, I have no clue how you get through illnesses either yourself or your kiddo. Disney channel is perfect for those times. Started to panic about leaving for the weekend.
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he lets stella eat his legos. At some point, he is going to regret this. |
Friday: Had planned on having the day off. All the days I was off, I had multiple calls/emails from work I had to deal with so was i really off???? Had the final presentation from kiddo that i was mentoring. She did an amazing job and I am glad she is done and can now graduate. Got home and was packing when I got a call from preschool. Sigh. Not sick, just super fussy, what should we do? I have no clue what to do. He certainly isn't feeling 100% but I can't pick him up every day that he doesn't feel 100%. Teacher and I decided to leave him till nap time and re evaluate. I am so hitting the road as soon as I hear one way or the other. Then I look over at deuce who is licking his manhood over and over and over again. I just about panicked. Not only was it red and swollen, there was blood coming from it!!!!! WTH! Called the vet who reassured me that this was normal and probably he had just gotten too aroused and it swelled and then got a little bit irritated. So next time, i have to lube him up so it will go back in as soon as it is done swelling. Really Deuce? Prolonged erection issues? Wow. Only me and only this week.
I need a dog show and I need some good runs. Did four miles before lunch just to see where I was at. I am still pretty weak. I had a very slight meal last night. All hopes of getting in 12 today are dashed. Hoping I can get something in this weekend and then I can do hill work Sunday night when I get back. I am so type A that when one thing goes wrong, I get in a tizzy. This whole week has rocked my type A world. I am super busy at work (which is an awesome problem) but so is tony so we can't take turns taking care of him. I really feel bad for tony because I did have relief to work for me so my projects got taken care of where he didn't have that and hat to be sick at work.