Forgive me. I meant to update last week after andrew's first days at his new preschool. I wanted to take pics but I also wanted to make sure he got in okay and i got away without any tears (from him of course;). The first couple of days were awesome. I could barely get his coat off and his binky out of his mouth. Then things changed. The director told me it would. The next few days he would linger by the gate and the teacher would have to lead him in. Today, he wouldn't let go of me. In his defense, it was a rough weekend in terms of sleep and eating. He went on a complete hunger strike saturday and wouldn't eat anything we gave or made him. Sunday he ate breakfast and lunch but wouldn't eat dinner and wouldn't go to sleep thanks to springing forward. That spilled over to this morning when both of us couldn't get up. So I am saying a little prayer for his teachers this morning that he cooperates and isn't too much of a mess. Last week he brought home art work and his first book order. I had the biggest smile when I saw that paper in his cubby. I LOVED book orders when I was a kid and drove my poor mom nuts (probably) over them. Not only did i HAVE to have every book on horse and unicorns, i had to get enough to get the cool poster they sent you with your order. I am pretty sure mom paid a small fortune in those cheap paper back books, most of which I still have and now andrew has inherited.

This last week wasn't the greatest for running because of the stupid cold that my wonderful son shared with me. Poor guy still has a nose that is running like a fountain where mine has pretty much dried up. I got all of mileage in but I couldn't for the life of me hit any of my paces. I did 11 yesterday in the beautiful 60 degree weather but a 16 mph sustained west,southwest wind with 5.5 of those miles going straight into the wind. It wasn't pretty but I got er done. My brain tried to give up around mile 9. My BRF had gone with me but she was getting over a stomach virus so she wasn't 100% and had to give up and head back around mile 4. I haven't had to fight with my mind as much as I did during those last couple of miles. I kept telling my mind to shut up that I wasn't walking. My body was not very happy with me when I got done either. I think breaking in my new shoes and socks probably didn't help.
This was later on in the day. Andrew already is hitting on the ladies. Helps that he now has a class room that is over 50% little girls. These two had so much fun together!
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