Monday, March 24, 2014

home again

Since i have been put on rest duty and I know the only way to make myself rest is to stick to the computer chair.  If not, I will be up cleaning and doing laundry and all the things that make me cough.  I came home after my doctor's visit and have been stuck in this chair ever since.  I have to say that the antibiotic they gave me is making me feel oh so nauseous.  I took it with food but bleh.  So here is the latest.  I  have what my dr calls the "edge of pneumonia".  What a technical term huh?  I ran three times this last week,  two fours and a 10.  The 10 wasn't the best run ever and I had several times of stopping to have a cough attack but it was a beautiful morning and I couldn't resist.  Afterwards I felt horrible though.  Lots of coughing and lots of just more than normal long run hangover.  Fast forward to sunday when I started coughing up bits of blood.  Yeah, that was fun.  I actually felt so weak that I had to just hand over the kiddo to the husband and go lay down for a few hours and sleep.  Still no other symptom than a cough.  I guess I should take things more seriously but to me, a fever means serious, a cough means well, you have a cold and or virus that isn't going to go away with help so give it time.   I actually got the best sleep last night i have had in over a week so I really thought I was on the downside of this.  Except the fact that I have coughed my guts out this morning. After the drs visit, I was told to go get my meds and go home.  Thank goodness I have excellent students working in my lab right now that can handle things when I am gone (which has been a lot lately:(.  I guess I get a free no running pass this week and I get some good drugs.  I am scared of my inhaler though.  I have never used one and I have no clue what I am doing.  The pharmacist went over everything with me but I am just nervous.  Will have to wait till tony gets here i guess to watch over me and make sure I do it right.  Yeah I am pretty much a wuss when it comes to any eye, ear, throat and or nose spray/drop/inhaling apparti.  I will avoid doing any of those things till i absolutely have to and will have a panic attack while doing so.  Yep, big wuss here.
The good part about the weekend was that we worked on Andrew's room again.  We converted his crib to a big boy bed.  He immediately snuggled in and started reading his book.  Now, how do I get the nerve up to put him in there at night and leave him in there?  I am the problem now, not him:)

He is going through this phase where all things baby are in vogue again.  This was his tiny baby crib that he slept in for a few weeks by our bed.  Doesn't really fit now does he?   We are also firmly addicted to Thomas.  He pretty much carries those trains in both hands at all times and will do a full freak out if you try and pry them out.

And last but not least, poor deuce.  He has been a mess since the surgery.  Not sure how much is real and how much is him being a drama queen.  He doesn't handle pain very well at all.  Nor does he handle the cone of shame very well.  Kind of glad I could be home with him today so he didn't have to have it on.  We bought one of those blow up soft ones but it didn't work at all.  He could still reach to lick.  Maybe we need the bigger one?  This one fits but like I said, he can lick all he wants to.  He is also super grumpy.  He went after stella today when she stepped on him trying to get to me.  He also picked a fight with harley again.  Not sure what is going on with them but we have to make it stop.  Seems that food is always present when they happen.  The odd thing to me is that deuce grumbles, then lunges and then harley is like oh know you didn't and it is on.  Afterwards, harley will come straight back to him and lay beside him.  He isn't showing any fear of deuce even though Deuce is starting all of the fights.  Usually when harley would get into it with a foster dog (which was common when we did APRH since harley has always been the bottom of our pack and the most insecure), harley would slink away and avoid that dog at all costs. Either harley is becoming senile or there is some complex story unfolding between the two.  I have been watching hard for triggers and like I said, when I have food that seems to be it but why is that a sudden factor now, five years into deuce being part of our home?  As I sit and type this, they are laying together and harley was cleaning his ears.  Wonder what gives?

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