Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mid week, no runs yet, got to catch up!!!!!

We have officially hit the problems that are a two runner family.  Let me catch you up first before i delve into this issue.  I did a 6 mile run on saturday with my BRF and miss stella.  The weather was perfect and we had a great time even though we did have some ice to deal with.  Driving home the sky turned super dark and upon reaching wamego, we were greeted with wind and rain.  Glad we went to town and did linear trail.  The above pic is my BRF Robin and miss stella.  She prefers to run right next to robin so a lot of times i will hang back and let her hang with robin.  If not she tends to swerve over in front of robin because she has ADD and can't run a straight line.  She adores robin and if one of us has to stop or gets separated, she will pull as hard as she can to get to robin whether it is forward or backwards.  Sunday I needed to do an easy 4 mile run.  I had a friend who wanted to run with me so I sent her a FB message and agreed to meet up on sunday for a nice recovery run.  It turned into quite a tough run with 2 miles of it being steadily up hill and into a sustained wind.  Needless to say, I am still sore three days later from that run, but oh well, we had fun and talked the whole way and took walk breaks when needed.   I really wished I had my camera because the views when we got to top of the never ending hill was amazing.  We could see all out on the flint hills and konza and it was breathtaking and not just because of the wind in our face LOL!

This week has been kind of wonky.  Tony is now running three days a week and loosing weight and looking awesome.  BUT that kind of makes my running off kilter.  He is still working on increasing both his mileage and his pace and it will take time so i have to wait till he is done at night to go out and run.  I really don't love running in the cold and dark but my new headlamp my BRF got me for christmas helps and the feeling of course after I get done makes me feel like a beast!  I am hoping we can figure out a better schedule so we both can get our runs in.  His schedule is more a tuesday/thursday/sunday schedule and I am more of a MWFS runner but here lately I have been having to double up on the weekend which makes me have to rest mondays and do some weird combo during the week.  I haven't run at all this week but I am half dressed today at work so as soon as i get home, I can head out.  I did notice last night that at 5:30 there was still light so that will make my life so much easier.  Something about sunlight and cold that i can do.  Stella says she doesn't care, just let her go.

On a kiddo note, we have decided to move andrew to a new preschool from his current daycare.  It was a hard decision but I think he will really enjoy being around kiddos his own age.  He does love the babies at daycare but i think his language and manners will improve greatly being in a structured program that has kiddos closer to his age.  I also hope it gives us an added bonus of monkey see/monkey do in the potty training department.  We have been gearing up for this adventure, buying new potty seats and step stools and stickers so it will be a blessing to have many children going through this together so they can learn together.  I am so going to blubber like an idiot the last day he is at kathy's.  She has been such a great help for this first time mommy and I am going to miss her!!!!

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