Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A vacation plog part two

Rather than write a bunch of words, here are the pictures from our trip so far! Andrew is train crazy so we knew he had to go to the train depot and the fire station to see the big trucks, as well as Casey Jones museum.  A little tip, the museum its self isn't that much but the gift shop is FULL of Thomas stuff so save your money and just go to the gift shop!
Driving the Snorkel One that my stepdad was a captain on.  He LOVED the fire trucks!
He got a hat and several badges and of course candy.  They also went to the train depot in downtown Jackson but the photos of that are on the hubby's phone.  
Had to go to Casey Jones museum.  Really cool old steam trains!
The gift shop was half thomas stuff and that is where we spent a ton of time.  They also had thomas episodes going on the tv.    Andrew LOVED it!
So much Thomas stuff!
Thomas overload!
After Thomas we had to go to the legendary Casey Jones soda fountain.  I use to go here as a kid and get milkshakes and hot fudge sundaes and of course lots of old fashioned candy.  He took a few bites of his ice cream and was pretty much done but he did sit still for a few minutes.  
This was actually from the night before.  We ate at this super cool place called Rock and Dough Pizza.  The pizza was so good and they brewed their own beer there too.  I did a flight and enjoyed pretty much all of them except the really hoppy IPA.  Andrew loves pizza and ate probably 2.5 slices.  Tonight, we get a date night, just Tony and I!  I am so pumped about a meal without a toddler!  YIPEEE for grandparents!  

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