Sunday, June 29, 2014

An easy week of running

Well, minus my long run, it has been a nice easy, get my body back use to running.  I was pretty sore after my three miler and felt really discombobulated, but as the week went on and I stretched more and did more yoga, things got better.  My four miler on friday was one of those dream runs, perfect pace, perfect cool wind blowing (not too hard but enough to cool me off) and perfect company.  I am long running tomorrow but still nothing crazy, just a six miler.  Going to try and get up and go around 6 am and see if we can avoid the humidity that has been brutal at 5 am.  I met up with my running coach this morning and did a grocery shopping trip with her to discuss good nutrition and started talking about plans.  I am really excited to start training for some PR runs in august for my two 10 Ks and then tackling Conquer the Konza.

I have been thinking a lot about agility lately.  Mainly because 99% of my friends are dog friends and they are constantly posting about their fabulous runs and shows but also because all of the fall shows are coming up and I need to enter.  Since I didn't teach this spring (I really don't know how I could have fitted it into my crazy schedule of running/dog shows), I have no extra monies for shows.  I am trying to figure out where the extra money is going to come from.  I really don't want to have to sit out till I can teach again.  I have been making it work so far just entering shows less than 3 hours away and only entering saturday/sundays thus far.  I may have to go back to camping out or start begging my friends to let me stay at their places to save some dough.  I have done it before so I can do it again.  Heck, I have slept in my car to save money.  So, thinking about how to do this.  Right now I want to do Triune's show over labor day weekend (maybe three days if I can swing it), Agility ability the next weekend, USDAA in october, the Kansas city Golden show in Lawrence in october, and I think that will be enough for the fall.    I also need to figure out how to fit classes into my schedule.  Anything on a week night is pretty hard for me to fit in, but I have to do this.  Deuce turned five this week and I think we are starting to see a brain so I can't give up now.

This happened yesterday.  Andrew refused to nap.  Well, he napped in the car on the way home from the grocery store and it was too hot to leave him there so we had to bring him in the house.  He instantly woke up.  We attempted all day to get him to re-nap to no avail.  Yes, he is semi naked in the first pic.  We had decided to try the new Radina's bake house in town and it is right next to the splash pad.  Note to self, he if can see the splash pad, he will want to go to it and get in the water no matter what, be prepared.  I just stripped him down and put a new diaper on post splash pad.  Anyway, I had given him a sucker just to keep him semi-happy (he was tired and angry all afternoon and i was at wit's end) and I had put on his cartoons.  I sat down at the computer for a few minutes and he was instantly asleep (sans sucker).  He is still asleep now as I type (6 am) and was down for the count at 7 pm last night. Wow.  Not sure I want to deal with angry toddler again but early bedtime was kind of nice:)

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