Monday, December 19, 2011

2 x 2 day 2

Okay so had to switch things up a little bit.  I was having issues with where deuce was suppose to be and where i was suppose to be and decided that MEB's article about 2 x 2s defined things alot better for the literal side of me.  Here is a link to her article I am following it religiously.  I like that she gives such specific instructions.  Stand here, put your dog here, dog goes here, treat goes here.  Only the correct entry is rewarded that makes sense to me.  Was having issues believing that having him on my right  and sending him through two poles ahead of me was teaching him the correct entry.  Long story but I am very, very literal:)   In MEB's article, dog always enters with poles in the left shoulder.  I think both methods are aweome, it is just MEB's article helped me by telling me exactly where i needed to stand at exactly what time.  Of course doing everything in the bedroom since it is snowing and icing outside.  We are up to step 3 left side.  He is driving to the correct entry very nicely almost every time when he is on my right.  He has trouble when the poles are at 6 and 12 and I am at like 10 or 11 when he is on my right.  He is getting better for sure.  He was just running straight through the poles, now he is running out and around the first pole with it on his left shoulder and driving to his reward.  I have done two sessions and am about to do session three where we work around the clock with him on my left.  Will update after I do.

Update:  Session 3.  Reminder of around the clock with dog on my right.   He is now getting that tough entry like a pro.  Started round the clock on my left.  Was having issues with him looking back as he enters the poles.  It is way easier to reward him when he is on my right.  I don't like the fact that he is driving to the poles and then almost stopping and looking back when he gets into the when he is on my left.  I am throwing ahead but seem to have issues when he is on my left.  Had gone back to individual cookies but now am back to food tube.  Of course space is limiting what we can do too.  He is getting close to the bed when he is going from my left side.  Next session will have him on my left and right with the poles switched 12 and 6 on the other end.  I am looking forward to doing  step four from the article tomorrow:)

Update: Session 4.  Final session of the night.  Deuce is nicely finding his entries no matter where we are on the clock.  I have to think sometimes about what is right and sometimes I have to walk out his path when the entries are hard.  I think this is harder for me than him.  He isn't looking back as much at all now that I am throwing his treat tube.  I fully feel like we are ready for step 4 tomorrow.  With the snow and ice that is coming down now, I have a feeling we will be stuck at home with nothing to do other than play with the two by twos anyway.

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