Deuce survived the first day alone! He went a whole 8 hours by himself and I am so proud of him. He was actually asleep when I got home and other than litter being all over the living room, things were pretty calm. He had gone to the bathroom several times in his litter box which I am proud of. I can't tell if he had played with any toys but they were all covered in the litter dust so he had at least walked all over them. My biggest fear was that he would find some way to topple his ex-pen but it is pretty sturdy. I had gotten the tallest panels as I had dreams that someday harley and miller could be in the ex-pen at shows but Harley has squished that dream. He absolutely goes nuts when I run Miller so ex-pen is a no-go! It has really been great though for Deuce and I am so glad I got it. We keep it open when we are home so Deuce can eat in there and go to his litter box when he needs it. He really wanted me to pick him up and cried and jumped but I just walked around and tried to get him to go potty and not jump. He is really becoming a mommy's baby and I am trying not to feed into that. One day he is going to be way bigger and picking him up will not be possible!
We had decided to have agility class last night since our trainer Lori would be out of town on thursday when we normally have class. We have a show this weekend so we all needed the practice and I technically probably shouldn't have run but needed to for practice. I have been going to physical therapy for a week now and haven't run in almost a month due to pain in my knee/leg. The doctor thought I had tendinitis in my knee but my PT thinks it is my quad muscle. I do stretches 4 times a day and ice it 4 times a day and go to PT twice a week but I hadn't gone this week so made an executive decision to run last night anyway. Anyway, we decided to take Deuce so he could play with Lori's bc puppy Solei and Joc's bc puppy Morgan. Well, let me say that Deuce outweighs those girls by quite a bit and is alot bigger than they are. His favorite thing to do was sit on them and squish them like a little boy would and they hated it. He played way to rough for them and by the end, they were all avoiding him. I think he is use to playing with bigger aussie puppies, even though they were only a few days apart in age. The funny thing about it all was that he figured out very quickly that he did not want to be in the ex-pen! He wanted to be with us and climbed out several times. Now of course the panels were not very tall as he could stand on his hind end and look over them, but it was pretty funny to see him jump up and climb over. We tried putting him back in and even in the taller regular pen but he wanted to be with us. Because of this, he got to walk courses with me and was a very tired baby by the end of class. I guess he got some leash training in and some collar training in and some course walking training in! We let all the puppies loose at the end so they could really run around, but Solei and Morgan wanted nothing to do with him since he played so rough. Solei would actually go and hide in the tunnel to get away from him! Needless to say, he was very tired when we got home and went right to his kennel and crashed. I crashed too as my body has not gotten use to getting up so early! I am happy to report that he did sleep in till 5:30 this morning, even though the other dogs wanted to get up at 4:30 and 5. They were just sure we were suppose to be up. He would get up, look at them and then go right back to sleep. Good boy! We did go out one time around 2 but I am not so sure that if I had told him to go back to sleep that he wouldn't have. Wish we had agility class every night. Not sure what I am going to do when I teach as I really don't want to have to drag him around the course while I am helping people, but don't want him screaming on the sidelines either and don't want to have to buy another ex-pen with bigger panels to keep him in.
Today is a big day for the little guy as he has to get another set of booster shots and meet all the ladies at the vet clinic. I have another PT session today so I will be done with work early and have a private lesson tonight with my weekly lesson people so he will get to meet some new doggies tonight. The blog won't let me upload pictures right now so will try and upload some later.
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