When I got up this am I decided to try something new. I fed Deuce, let him play for 15 or so minutes after his potty break and then put him back in the crate. I was super tired this morning, even though I had gone to bed at like 9:30 pm. I really hope I am not getting sick since I am around lots of germy college kids. I think he didn't go back to sleep but he was quiet which was nice for me. I slept hard! We then got up and went for our walk and he is now chewing on his chewie. I need to work more on his sit, especially in new places and need to start working on down so we can take that on the road too. It is so hard to know how much to do and when. He seems to have a great attention span for a puppy but I am trying to quit before he does. He also seems like a natural born clicker dog as he is offering behaviors whenever he can. We are having some issues with here (touch my hand) and of course being a silly puppy, recalls are still not the best. His teeter banging is going well and he is still running through channels although I am sure he has no clue that he is running through them. I am going to really introduce the tunnel in the next few days as he has run through it a couple of times but with is scrunched way up and me throwing a toy through it. Tony and I need to work on restrained recalls to increase his drive, especially on the recall and through the tunnels. We will not start weaves till he is at least a year old so contact behavior and foundation skills are the top of the list right now. I thinking about buying the puppy foundations video that clean run has but haven't heard if anyone out there has it and likes it.
Deuce got to go to see the ladies at the vet clinic again yesterday and get lots of loving from Kim and Sam. He seemed a little bit reserved when we were there, but he came out of his shell after a while. I am a little worried though. He has been scratching quite a bit and we don't have fleas. I am hoping he hasn't developed an allergy because the vet made a comment that he had a very red inside of one of his ear and his eyes were a little red as well as some of his skin. I have noticed the itching but hadn't noticed him scratching at his ears. We will be switching him over to wellness soon so maybe if it is a food allergy, that will go away. I am just hoping that he doesn't have an allergy to something here in Kansas. I am going to bathe him today as he is going to be a lab experiment for one of the biology classes. They are studying form and function and adaptation so he will be their guinea pig. I figured it won't hurt him to have people with their hands all over him and I am sure the class will enjoy having a puppy. I wasn't going to bathe him but he got under miller as he was peeing today on our walk so now he smells really bad!
Well, since I am behind today since I slept in, I guess my blog will be short and sweet. He has just crashed under my chair so time to go shower!
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