I am not sure what was going on but Deuce had stomach problems all night. He didn't have gas like usual but needed to out out multiple times last night. Every time he would immediately go and do his business. I don't mind being woken up if he is serious but 5:45 came way to early!!! I was also kind of worried about him because he was panting alot and very restless. I kept on checking his cap refill time to make sure he wasn't in some sort of shock. Our upstairs did get pretty hot yesterday as it got up to the 80s and we just had the window open so it did take a while before the air really cooled the room, but it wasn't that bad! I took my fan that I usually have on me and put it down in the floor where it blew on him all night. He would stretch out and pant, but be under the fan. He finally stopped about 3 am and went into a good solid sleep. Not sure why his tummy is so messed up right now. We are in the final "leg" of changing over his diet, so he is on 3/4 wellness and only 1/4 chicken soup. He is getting exclusively only chicken wellness treats and he still gets his one chewie in the morning. He isn't getting anything else so not sure what is hurting his stomach so much.
We worked on tunnel yesterday, late afternoon. Even though this picture has a weird hue to it, I love it because it shows his drive for the tunnel. We have been working lots of restrained recalls with it and decided to really try running with him now for the next step. If he didn't drive to the tunnel, we would go back to restrained recall, but he is really starting to drive to the tunnel every time. We also started curving the tunnel as well. We have a very short tunnel so can't do much but look forward to class this week when I can get him into lori's different tunnels. We also have been working alot on stand and he is doing really well with that. I hope to start working the moving sits and downs too, as I really like the DVD i bought as far as the info I have gotten off of it so far.
Last night when it cooled off a bit, Miller and I went for a nice long walk together. He has really been pouting alot lately so I need to do more just him and I. Well, I see daylight so time for us to head out for our morning walk! I am starting to increase how much we walk as Deuce wants to go more and my leg/knee lets me go more. I supposedly only have two more weeks of PT but we shall see. We started high impact work on friday and I could barely walk on saturday!
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