ARGH! Nothing to do at work today but wait so since I didn't blog this morning, I guess I can now. I had PT this morning so didn't get to walk everyone so no telling what destruction awaits me when I get home. Tried to get harley and deuce to play as much as possible so that they could wear each other out. Poor miller, he gets so excited when I put on my running pants thinking we are going to a show and then gets so down when I leave him to go to PT. I am hoping this will be the last three day a week session that I have to have. I think we are going to drop back to two a days next week and then go from there. I think my insurance only pays for 30 visits a year and I am at 13 right now so getting close to using them up.
I am so excited for this weekend! I did find out that they don't have a puppy match as I had hoped but they do have a microchip clinic that I can take him too and get him chipped. I did register him for the AKC program as well and he got his little tag yesterday. Am hoping the vending will be good so I can get him something if he is a good boy. Right now I need another crate pad for his crate in the car. He has furniture grade foam but it is 5 inches thick instead of 3 inches which takes up alot of the height of the crate. Not a problem now but will be when he grows more. I have started looking for crates on craigslist as well. I am wanting a smaller day time crate for the downstairs, once I feel like he is able to hold his bladder all day. So far the crate in the downstairs with the litter box in it is working out good. He did shred the newspaper that i put under his water bowl and I do think he may have had an accident or two on his crate pad but it is all washable.
Yesterday we worked on stand some more and we worked on toes on the travel plank. He is getting more solid but I find that I am still having to lure him a little bit with my body to get into position, which i SHOULD NOT DO. I video taped myself yesterday and sure enough, he was getting on the board and stopping at the end with all four feet. I would move slightly and he would come down into his toes position, but off of my body cue. I want a dog with independent contacts so have to stop doing this! I think we just need to work it more and have me be more aware of any cues that my body may be giving off. I will probably pack his wobble board and the plank as well so we can practice at the hotel. We are also working on the release to a tug instead of the release always being for food. He is doing really well, but isn't always in the mood for tugging so have to vary the reward.
Don't know how much I will get done training wise tonight. Will have to take everyone for a walk for sure since no one went this morning. Need to do laundry and start packing for the show so will probably try and sneak in a short session here and there. He is getting so big that I can barely pick him up anymore. I will miss being able to pick him up and hold him like a baby. They grow up way too quick!
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