Decided to go and re-weigh deuce, as I thought he had gained some weight, and boy, he did! In less than a week he has put on almost 4 lbs! I am so happy that he is putting on some weight and is considered normal! We also got to perform our behaviors we have been working on for the ladies that were waiting to see Dr. J, my vet. Deuce is such a ham and gets lots of laughs from everyone he performs for! I guess I should go ahead and teach him some tricks so he can be even funnier! We decided to take our show on the road and headed out to Petco to work some behaviors. He did great, especially with the distractions of the other dogs that frequent Petco. After that we headed over to the local dog wash and had our very first dog wash bath. While I think he was a little scared, he took it like a champ and continued to take food from me even though he was not happy about being bathed. I used the forced air dryer on him and gave him lots of cookies for tolerating being blown dry. I only blew him partially dry as he was shaking but again, he was taking cookies and doing his nose touch to my hand. He again had to perform for the lady that works at Claire and Harley's and got a cookie from her and a star cookie with white frosting from me. When we got home, he was worn out and crashed for a while.
Tony and I did our usual saturday in wamego routine, lunch at the friendship house, antique shopping, and a visit to the winery. I really love living in such a small cute town and hope that all the little businesses that thrive here continue to thrive. When we got back he was ready to get out and play. He had taken a very large poop in his litter box and for that reason the litter box is staying for now. I don't think it is affecting his potty training and now keep it the crate closed so that he has to tell me when he needs out or I have to be very proactive to avoid accidents!
We are going to go out and work tunnel tonight. I drug it outside of our fence and cleaned it out really well with the hose. It lives outside all the time and tends to get yucky and spidery so I wanted it to be clean for us to practice. Will try and get some good pics tonight of Deuce and the tunnel!
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