I am thinking more and more that the carpet in the dining room needs to go but we would have to tear out the platform too that they built to raise the dining area up from the living room floor and kitchen floor. Our current dining room was their kitchen, so I am slightly worried that the hardwood floor might not be in very good shape, especially where their refrigerator and the oven sat. It would be way easier to refinish the floors when they are all uncovered but if it is in bad shape, we would have to sink a ton of money into it. I sure do love cleaning the hardwood though, i either sweep or shop-vac it and when the dogs have accidents, I just wipe it up. It seems like they are also less likely to have an accident on the hardwood so the less carpet we have the better! The big dogs have had a few accidents since we had the puppy and I expected that would happen. Just want to give a shout out to Planeturine.com! They have the absolute best pee powder in the world that is great for pee, vomit and diarrhea. I have seen it work miracles with my foster dogs and their issues! I have tried a ton of different products and this is the absolute best I have every had as far as effectiveness. In a perfect doggy world there would be no carpet but in the mean time, urineout is the bomb!
I had another session with the physical therapist yesterday (thank goodness for good insurance). I had to endure another deep tissue massage that total sucked during the massage but my leg feels good today. We discussed treatment and long term, as I don't think my leg is getting any better and I am scared. I hear so many horror stories about long term knee issues and I don't want to be one of those people. Luckily, he does think it is a soft tissue injury and not a knee issue, but soft tissue injuries take forever to heal. While he says I can't run for long distances, he did say that I can run Miller at shows, but I have to really warm up slowly and ice my knee as soon as I get done. I am going to be the wuss with all the ice packs at the shows I guess! I miss running so much though! I am really gaining weight since I am not running as I don't eat very well so would really like to get back to the running as soon as possible. He threw out 6-8 weeks as healing time but dang it, I have laid off running for almost a month now:( I am trying to do everything they say to do and am down to two PT sessions a week but who knows how much all of this is going to cost. October is a very big show month for us with a show every weekend and of course we have USDAA nationals in november so I have to be able to run as much as possible and train as much as possible for the next several months.
Okay enough about me and my whining! Boys woke me up around 5 this morning so glad I went to bed at 9 last night. Mom says this is getting me ready for having a baby! I sleep when he sleeps is my strategy I am employing. I think he would have slept later but harley and miller thought we needed to be up. I am really enjoying these 3 or so hours I have with him in the morning though. I may be a morning person after all! Deuce has another 8ish hour day by himself. I have another pt session and then we have our agility class that we teach tonight. Am still debating on whether or not to take him. I don't want him on the sidelines screaming and their ex-pen is not tall enough to keep him in. I guess i can drag my big ex-pen out there and I can use him as an example for the advanced beginners as they are working on ground work tonight but other nights they will be working on sequencing and more moving stuff so can't be dragging him around with me. I am pretty sure all of their dogs are very friendly but don't want to take the chance that one of them isn't and don't want to have to hold him while I teach. I guess I will just try and see how it goes tonight. Well need to get off of her and go take the boys for their morning walk and play ball with harley. Still trying to do stuff with the big boys so they feel special too and also do group walks. Nothing like walking three aussies, one of which is a baby, and one of which likes to mark on every single tree and pole and leaf. I leave you a video of deuce and harley playing. While it doesn't happen often and usually happens in the morning for some reason, it is happening about once a day. I love the fact that Offspring's song keep em separated started playing while they were playing! Sorry tony is always half dressed! He seems to like to have a shirt off when he is in the house so most pics are of him shirtless.
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