Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Waiting on the Sun to make an appearence

We are waiting on the sun to come up so we can go for a walk. I tried putting deuce back in his crate this morning with his chewie and it didn't work. BUMMER! I was ready to go to bed last night at 8:00! I forced myself to stay up till 10 but sure wanted more sleep this morning. Deuce slept good last night, didn't need to get up at all so hopefully this stomach ailment is done with. He is still having gas but not as frequently. He will be 100% on wellness after today so no more changes.

I have PT this morning at 9:30 and am hoping this will be my last three day week for PT. I hate to say it, but I really enjoy going and past the painful deep tissue massages, really think the info they have given me will make me a better athlete. I have shown them a bunch of moves we do in agility and discussed how many women have knee surgeries and how many people have injuries and they have given me lots of exercises to do to combat that. They are also really working on my hips and trying to help me walk and run with my feet straighter and not so much like a duck. Of course 31 years of walking and running that way is hard to change but they have gotten me a little straighter. We are talking about me taking on a personal trainer to help me stay agile but I am not sure my pocket book can handle it. Maybe after I get done paying for all of this PT. Two weeks of going, with insurance was 180 bucks and I have been two weeks past that so it adds up. While I am glad I went and got this issue resolved, I wonder if time would have just healed it too? Oh well, I sure as heck wouldn't have done deep tissue massage on myself and those pain patches sure are nice.

What is on the training agenda today? Well, more work on stand, which is getting way better. Maybe some more tunnel work but really need to get on some different color/sized tunnels. I am starting to work toes on his little traveling plank and he is slow to generalize so need to work that more. Bang game is coming along nicely so more of that. I need to start working on some more flat work too. Turn is staring to come along but needs more work. Need to start working some outs too as I haven't started that at all. I also need to drag my NADAC hoop out and start working with it too since no jumping is involved. Can I just quit my job and work with my doggies all day?


  1. Hey, Michelle--looks like you have a great new puppy! (As well as not so great knees.)

    I like Harley following Deuce around to pick up the food falling from the toy.

    Lisa H (Seamus & Wolf mom)

  2. Thanks Lisa! I am really glad harley is super skinny and has a good metabolism because he is getting tons of extra food since Deuce has joined us!
