So I was sitting here icing my knees as usual and thought I would update what all we have done today. You get a ton of work done in a day I have found it you get up before the sun comes up LOL! I decided to take Deuce's sit and down and balance disc on the road to see if I could get consistency no matter where we are. He did really well the other night in class so I was hoping I would get the same response again. I packed a bag and headed to the city park, which is only about a block away. The weather was so nice! We worked on sits and downs, toes and feet, come and here, and sits and downs in different positions. I also tried to do more play with toys or praise versus treats, but I still felt like we went through a lot of treats. I am headed today to go and get some more puppy wellness treats as they break into little pieces and don't crumble. I was really proud of his ability to not be distracted by the kids playing or the squirrels that seemed to be getting ready for the winter by gathering acorns around us. We headed back to the house and crashed for a while.
I decided we needed to start really working on wait as I previously posted. Since food sends him over the top, I used the door instead. Put him in a sit or a down, told him to wait (one finger in front of the face because if I put a full hand he touches it) and then if he stayed sitting (or whatever position i used) while I opened the door, then he got a release and a tug. When he become reliable on that, I uped the criteria and he had to sit and wait till I went through the door. He did break a few times but I just closed the door and gave him a negative sound and started over. I did not use the clicker for this, but he seemed to get it rather quickly. I have to admit, I am very guilty about not making the dogs wait to go out the door, especially him because I am usually trying to get him to go out and potty and don't want him to do it on the floor. I used the front door (not as much fun as they don't go out it much), the back door (alot harder since they are in and out of that one), and the deck door. After I was satisfied with his progress and I was sure he wasn't too tired, we moved onto the bang game. He loves to push the end of the teeter down so this is his favorite game. My teeter is very loud and whips pretty bad but he doesn't care at all. We have moved from doing the bang game on just the end to him jumping up from the side and banging it down. He gets so excited sometimes to bang it that i just have to laugh! I may have created a banging monster! I will have to get tony to video some time!
Deuce is curled up under my feet passed out right now. I was debating on whether or not to take him to town as the local Petco has a "puppy play date day" which is free but I sure don't want to hear about their puppy classes that they offer. Deuce gets his rabies shot on monday so may wait till next weekend if we aren't busy. Will probably take him to the lab with me to go do some work so he gets to ride in an elevator and see some different stuff. Will probably make it to petco but after their puppy play day.
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