Thank God it is Friday! I am so ready for the weekend even though we have nothing planned. Finally got my dvd in the mail and of course I had class last night so didn't get to watch any of it. Will probably watch it and drink some good Harvest Moon and Schlafly's Pumpkin Ale tonight. Deuce got to go out to class last night and got to do some stuff while the classes were going on. I didn't work as many behaviors as I normally do as I really wanted to listen more to what Lori and Joc were teaching. I am teaching the pre-comp class next week so I wanted to really watch them and see where they were and what they were having problems with. So, he just got to be out and be with me and get drug around! I did some short work on toes on Lori's balance disc as it is different than mine and he was doing alright with it. We still need a ton of practice on different surfaces for sure. Deuce had to sit in his crate while we worked in our class and he was not a very happy boy. In fact, he screamed pretty much the entire hour and a half we had class. He also knocked over his water bowl as he just has a free standing bowl in his crate and pretty much soaked himself and his crate pad. When I got done and got him out to play with the other dogs before we left, he was sitting in a pool of water, looking very put out. Oh well, he is going to have to understand that he can't always be out with me.
I am still trying to up Deuce's food. He is up to 2 cups now and he constantly has gas and sometimes a little diarrhea. I am really having to watch his little tummy as we are trying to switch him over to wellness and of course he is getting wellness treats now exclusively so lots of changes to his little tummy. He was solid this morning so I am not too concerned but the farts last night in his kennel were diabolical! We didn't get into bed till almost 11 and he slept till 6:30 and was still asleep when I got up so he probably would have made it till at least 7.
Well, since I am on here so late this morning, I am going to end with that but will blog more later!
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