I caught all the boys sleeping together. They were actually all almost touching which is a miracle. Usually miller or harley gets grumpy when he touches them. I think for the most part, Harley has totally accepted Deuce but Miller seems to be the one that still has issues. I think it is more jealously that i work with Deuce so much. Am planning on going to the park and setting some sequences up today and just working Miller. Deuce can come and watch, maybe. Everyone got rawhides yesterday so that was a big hit that everyone got something and not just Deuce.
Last night I continued to watch my new DVD. This is going to be a very slow process for me as I like to take notes, pause it and try stuff out. So far I have only gotten through three sections. I think I still have over an hours worth of video to watch. I really like her ideas so hope to incorporate them into my training. She is really big on training the release and so am I, and she is really big on using verbal cues for the sit, down, ok, and stay with no physical cues at all, and I am trying really hard to keep this philosophy going. I am working on the stand cue right now and am having problems with it. Of course in the video, her dog does it no problem. She puts pressure on their nose at the sit and the dog's butt just pops up. Well deuce just folds down so we are trying to just push on his chest to pop up his butt. It is great hind end awareness because his little butt has to be independent and I think that his why he is having some issues. She also does alot of moving sit and downs so looking forward to working on those as well. Deuce still wants to down as he is default behavior so working lots of sits!
Late yesterday afternoon, I decided to drag my tunnel outside the fence and wash it off really good. My tunnel has lived outside for probably about 7 or so years so it gets pretty yucky. I had tried to drag it outside the fence and many a wolf spider jumped out at me so I decided they had to die by drowning. Got it set up on saw horses and gave it a good bath and then let it dry before we worked deuce on it. We have previously been letting him run behind harley but decided that he really needed to understand more what he was doing. Barb and I had done some restrained recalls after class so Tony and I worked on doing restrained recalls into the tunnel and throwing the food tube. We tried to each run and get him to drive into the tunnel and he did a couple of times but also ran around the entrance a few times which to me means he really doesn't understand tunnel yet. I want him driving to it so we went back to restrained recalls.
I will have to say, Tony and I are really coming together with the training of Deuce, even though he will be my agility dog. He has been very helpful with suggestions and has been very eager to help me try out whatever. It just seems like with Harley, we constantly fought about what to do when and how to do it and this time it is completely different. Maybe it is because Harley is now his dog for sure? Don't know but I am liking it!
Well, off to find out what the plan is for the day. The weather is very nice but have no exact plans. I am sure there will be some football watching as tony did not watch at all yesterday as we were so busy. I would like to get the second part of our allstar seminar done today so I can have both parts to the other trainers for review so we can talk about it in Lincoln. Lincoln has always been my favorite show for some reason, even though we have had the weirdest stuff happen there. Have had to deal with tiger piss, crappy equipment, a grouch course builder that got on the mic and called us all bitches, no electricity, and camping in the sub freezing weather!
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