I am getting so anxious for thursday. I just wish it would hurry up and get here. Miller seems to be doing great and I am having trouble keeping him calm and subdued, which is kind of weird for miller. I so want to go to nationals and am so hoping that we get a good report on thursday. I am hoping that the vet says whatever it was is healing. Okay back to the puppy since it is his blog.
Deuce is doing great, growing like a weed! He has an ouchy broken tooth which would explain why he isn't eating with gusto as he once did. It is a baby tooth so hopefully it will fall out soon, but in the mean time I just soak his food. I am also giving him yogurt as his tummy has been a little off. We are finished with this panacur he was taking for the possibility of giardia so I am hoping that is what was hurting his tummy. Of course I can't give just him something so everyone is getting yogurt in their food. Deuce is still doing really good in his training. We are doing toes on every surface we can and I am getting toes on surface changes,not just height changes which makes me happy. Means he really understands what toes means. I am trying to add movement on my part now to toes. We just started so he is having issues but are working through those. I have also been adding running around him to wait or running past him or doing silly things and he is holding both the sit and the down while i do that. I am also having Harley heel around him as he is holding position and this is the supreme distraction so we are working through it. I have also decided to start the trick training. We are working on shake hands and sit pretty. Just started both of them so he is still trying to figure out what the heck we are doing.
I think Deuce is starting the teeth process as he is starting to chew on lots of different things so I am trying to be very vigilant and always have a toy for him to chew on. Berry has all the sudden started helping him and has destroyed several toys for him. Funny how the adult dogs are reacting right now. Miller is regularly getting stuff off of the counter and eating it. Last night, we decided to go to the local bar and eat and we took deuce with us. He loves going in the car and sleeps in his car crate so well that we thought it would be easier on him. When we got back, Miller had eaten a whole big container of already made croissants. Berry had also chewed up his favorite toy so i give up!
Okay going to go train now. Two more days of waiting.
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