Not much to write about this morning other than to talk about the little ordeal we had yesterday with the big dogs. Tony and I have been contemplating crating everyone but berry for a while now. At the old house, we had outdoor kennel runs with concrete floors so that the dogs could be outside during the day, but we also lived in the country so they could bark or do whatever they wanted and it didn't really affect anyone. When we moved here, we decided not to put the kennel runs in so that the neighbors didn't have to listen to our dogs do whatever it is that they do all day. We do have very tall wooden privacy fences but harley is a climber and so is miller so I am sure they could probably get out if they really wanted to. SO, we decided to just let me be loose in the house. We really never had a problem until we got the puppy. Now both Miller and Harley have become super counter surfers. So far they have eaten a stick of butter, a box of saltine crackers, a baked potato still wrapped in foil (ouch), a bag of tortilla shells, and yesterday a bottle of deramaxx. We were lucky in that the bottle only had 6 pills in it, but we have no clue who ate it, if they shared it or what. When Harley was a baby, he ate a whole bottle of cosequin that had like 100 in it and he didn't have any ill affects but Deramaxx is a NSID so a little more damaging to the GI tract. At first, I was upset but then I remembered that my friend's whippet had eaten a bottle of deramaxx twice and she is only 20 lbs and she never had any ill affects. I wasn't too worried but when I called my vet, he was a little concerned. He called Norvartis to see what we should do and they recommended blood work and a UA to establish a baseline and then re-test at 24 and 48 hours to check liver and kidneys. He first wanted me to have them puke so Tony and I drug everyone out to the back and started loading them up with salt water. Both puked quite a bit but mostly either clear or bile looking puke. My guess is whatever got eaten got eaten as soon as we left for work so it probably had worked its way through already. Both boys got drug down to the vets and got to have jugular blood taken and pee collected. They were both extremely good for the whole procedure. I figured last night, I would know the culprit as it would cause some GI tract disturbance but no one woke me up all night. No one has even had any problems this am so am thinking this is going to be okay. Of course I will probably worry the whole time I am at work today. Blood work should come back this afternoon so we shall see what those results tell us.
On to the puppy. Not much to talk about other than he is doing well with all the training. Started training out the past couple of days just in the house with chairs or the ottoman. Seems to get it so will be doing some "out" and "here" exercises like Lori has suggested. Deuce is starting to really push the boundaries on some commands. Kind of getting the i don't really have to do what you tell me to attitude. He got his first pop on the butt yesterday and he sure didn't like it. He is also super distracted when any of the other dogs are around. Previously, when I train, I put the other dogs outside or in a room so it is just he and I. Now, I am letting them be around and I am working him with them present and he gets super distracted. I am working Rachel Sanders recall idea where I recall him, he comes, then he gets released back to playing with Harley. Also, if he choses to stop interacting with me, I walk away and ignore him. That gets his attention pretty quickly. We haven't been going on our daily walks but hope to get back to those tomorrow. Miller seems to be doing well so will at least start back to morning walks and then maybe incorporate both walks again. The weather has started turning already and has been pretty nasty already so not looking forward to what this winter is going to bring.
Well, time for a short training session and then get ready for work. Will blog later when I get the results from the bloodwork.
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