Well, Tony isn't home yet and I am tired of playing FB games and KSU is loosing miserably so I thought I would blog about today. Took Deuce to my vet's office and borrowed their raised tub so I could give him a bath. He really stunk and was dirty so thought it would be nice to have a clean puppy, even if it would only last a little bit. He did really good, tried to play with the water coming out of the head of the shower attachment. He even let me take some pics of him looking very wet and pissed off. I was going to blow him dry but their forced air dryer just about took my skin off and didn't have a low switch, so decided that wasn't a good idea. Towel dried him and headed home. He got to play with a very large golden who was there to have a check up. He was very unsure about what to do with her. She was very big and had a bone in her mouth. The owners told me she was super friendly and liked to share but i was a little wary. Sure enough, she spit her bone out and deuce went for it and she rolled him. I didn't make a big deal about it as he needs to know not everything is his but decided to leave and not try and let them play any more. Did some training before I left to get some behaviors while he was distracted and he did pretty well. Still had to use treats instead of tugging but it was hard for him not to go play with the dog in the waiting room or all the people who were waiting as well.
Had to order some more pee powder as Deuce has been having a few more accidents. I think anytime I brag on a dog, they then go and have accidents. He got a swat on the butt and some yelling when he pottied right in front of me, right after he had been out for quite a while. We got some really good training in today with my NADAC hoop. Not sure how i feel about him going through jump standards without bars so thought, why not use my hoop that Paula Froog gave me, no jumping involved. I worked on restrained recall and because I was by myself, I just threw the food tube through the hoop and told him "go, through". He only ran around it a few times, which i expected so he just didn't get the food out of the food tube when I got to him. He got so excited with this game that i was having him run all the way across the room to go through. We then worked on go through and here (hand touch to nose). I worked foot work for front crosses and rears just to get him use to me doing different foot work while he went ahead of me. He did better with the front cross footwork but was a little concerned with the rear cross foot work. I was pleased with his first time seeing some of this.
We still need to work more on his release. He still is needing more than just the word "okay". I am still having to throw something which brings motion into the equation and I am trying to get away from that. Need to talk to Lori and see what she has to say. I also made it a game for the big dogs. As I said in a previous blog before, I had been putting them outside or in a room when I worked Deuce but want them around now as a distraction. I would put them in a down or sit stay and if they held it (very hard for harley, imagine that mr. contact buster) they got a cookie too. The only problem was whenever I used deuce's release word, it was also their release cue as well so they would come running too! It was kind of fun and they enjoyed getting some cookies too.
I really need to work on wait more and more. I used it with the hoop and he did break a couple of times but got what i wanted fairly quickly. The problem is when I ask for the sit and then try and move around or go behind him, he flips around, still in the sit but still facing me. I guess at least I know where my weakness is for sure. He does better in the down, but I think it is because he can see me better when i go behind him.
Going to be another boring day by myself again tomorrow but at least the antique stores in town will be closed so I won't have that temptation. Will probably do more work on what i worked on today. I need to work on my gates as they are falling apart. I can drag them in the house too so I don't have to work outside. I plan on taking Miller out to Lori's if the weather is nice and have him do some a-frames and dog walks to see where he is at with his back/pelvis issues. Well, that is all for tonight. Need to go cut his toe nails while he is sleepy and not wiggly!
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