We decided to take the dogs to the Dillon Nature Center so they could unwind after being in the crate for a while. Took a nice long walk and enjoyed the leaves and the wildlife. Harley went for a little swim in the pond and of course deuce wanted to swim too. Looks like we have two water dogs now in the family! After taking tons of pictures, we decided to head over to the Cosmopshere and let the doggies sleep a while in their crates in the car. The cosmosphere is awesome! I think I could have spent all day just in the museum, but we had to go see the planitarium, the IMAX theater and the science show. I convinced Tony to skip the science show since I play with science every day and instead just spend more time in the museum. I love museums so I was happy. The planatarium was all about the hubble telescope and the IMAX was about the forces of nature including tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes. We had a great day learning all we could about rockets and space and even got to see the actual Apollo 13 capsule.
That night we went out to Yoder KS, which I think is an Amish community and had dinner and pie. We were stuffed to the gills but I knew that Deuce was going to be ready to go. When we got back, spent some time in Lori's room talking about League stuff and injuries and random dog training. We decided to take the puppies out and do some training. The hotel we were in had a water park for kids kind of like the great wolf lodge but smaller so great training opportunities. We worked on behaviors with the kids screaming and then found an atrium with a bunch of round tables to work restrained recalls and outs and toes. It was a great distraction working both puppies at the same time. Deuce even got to play with Solei and they had a great time. Deuce also got to play with zoom and even edge. Deuce still was pretty active when we got back so stayed up with him and finally got to sleep around 12. I did not get a ton of sleep this weekend so will probably go to bed very early tonight.
Sunday dawned early again. I had let Deuce stay loose in the room and even on the floor as he seems to be a hot dog and gets really hot sleeping with me. I didn't find any accidents so two times now we have stayed in a hotel and no accidents YEAH! I had his little pop up crate set up and would feed him in it and then try and go back to sleep. They are so use to getting up early and eating that they can't seem to break that habit. We were literally 3 minutes away from the trail site so we really didn't need to be up so early but the boys didn't see things the same way I did. Again, Tony had some great runs but just no Qs. He is learning so much and I see the light bulb going off every run! I got to once again run a friend's dog, but this time it was an aussie named Scoot, the same scoot that i helped take care of when I went out to North Carolina for nationals. We got a Q and a good time! I had so much fun running him as he runs really nicely and fast and I can actually do some rear crosses. I am not use to a dog that doesn't really check in as Miller does every single obstacle so it felt so much smoother than when Miller and I run. I ended up doing some shopping too! I love not running as I feel like I get so much done and get to socialize so much more!
The drive home was uneventful although I was very sleepy and had to have Tony drive from Salina on. Played with everyone and let them have some outside time. Now the pup is under my feet snoozing and I am wanting to snooze too. I guess I will end on this. Had a great time this weekend, got lots of training with distractions in, even some training right next to the in and out gate. Am still keeping my fingers crossed to run at nationals so i am hoping Thursday will hurry up and get here so I will know one way or another.
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