Deuce has gas again and I am pretty sure we have narrowed it down. I had bought a bag of puppy food when Deuce wasn't gaining weight and then never used it so I have been using it in his food tube so that we use it up. I had stopped using it for a while and the gas went away, but i have recently been using it again so we can use it up and he has horrible gas again. Thank goodness he likes pepto pills! I guess we are going to have to just give the bag away or throw it away. Tony and I can't handle the smelly farts anymore!!!! Nothing but wellness treats for this little dude from now on.
Poor Deuce got stuck in his crate alot yesterday. He went with Miller and I to the chiropractor in Topeka. He is so good! Other than farting in the crate, he just slept the whole way there, while we were there, and then when we got home. When I got home, tony and I had to go and do some shopping so he went back in the crate, with his favorite, ice. When we got home, we played alot and then back to the crate for sleepy time. Poor guy! I think that was why at 6:30, he was done with the crate for sure!
We had good news last night with Miller that I will share on here even though this is the puppy blog. Dr. G said that his back was doing a ton better and he didn't really need another adjustment. I have decided to start taking him every monday for a couple of weeks while we are showing every weekend and before USDAA nationals. It may be overkill but at least it lets me know he is okay. We have two more AKC shows this year and USDAA nationals and maybe two more USDAA regular shows and we will be done for the year so he will have a break till the winter show season starts in January.
I should also update you on my knee. I am no longer going to PT, am released so been running and exercising on my own. I ran thursday, friday, and saturday last week and was sore on sunday so took sunday and monday off. I am running about a mile with a quarter mile to warm up and cool down. I am hoping to get back to at least three miles so maybe I can run a 5K some day. Haven't gotten my last PT bill but i am sure it is going to be alot! I am so glad that i went though as they taught me some good exercises that will help me run better and even walk better.
Not sure what we are going to do training-wise today. Worked some toes upstairs with just lots of praise, no toys or treats and he did great. I try to find any situation I can to work toes now as I want that drilled in his little head! I have seen the light bulb go off for turn so we are working lots of turns. I have faded the cookie out so that helps with him jumping and not really paying attention to what I am asking him to do. Need to work more on spins in front of me and more wait. Wait is working really good in some situations and in others not so much so really need to reinforce it more. I really need to get my gates fixed so that we can drag a few in the house (tony is going to love me this winter) so we can work on more outs and heres and turns at full speed. Am also working on targets with a nose touch cause you never know when you might need to work a target and they are really nice to use when you are working distance skills on contacts.
Well, off to get ready and go to work. Poor baby goes back into the crate:(
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