Not much going on here but thought I would check in. Miller had good news so we are all happy in the Coleman house. Just needed a major adjustment and some rest so we are resting with him. No walks the past two days but will start back tomorrow if the rain holds off. Basically Miller gets to do what he feels like doing so that is where we are with that. I go back to PT today and am dreading it. Have been so worried about Miller that i have neglected myself and I can tell. My leg was really throbbing last night so hope I didn't set myself all the way back to the start. Was really hoping to phase out PT this week:(
Deuce is getting to where he doesn't want to go back to sleep in the morning and Tony is getting up around 5:15 so I guess we will all be getting up. I do get alot done but then I want to go to bed at 8:30 at night too. I think I fell asleep during the football game last night around 9:30ish. He has been so full of energy this morning for sure. I have had the backdoor open so they can just come and go from the yard and he has been running back and forth all morning. He even drug our big push broom through the door and into the kitchen. He is certainly full of himself. Haven't done much training wise in the last couple of days. He did get to go to Topeka with Miller and I yesterday and then had to sit in the crate while we were there and then back to Wamego. He did so well for basically being in a crate for 3 hours straight. He did get to meet Dr. G and will get to be adjusted the next time Miller goes in. He also got to go to my vet's office to pick up some deramaxx and got to play with all the techs there. He particularly loves Sam and even loves Dr. J. Chloe and Cecil, Sam's dogs still don't think he is all that great but he sure loves Cecil! We all chilled out last night as Tony cooked steak and we watched the football game (and fell asleep early). He knows when we go upstairs to go get in his crate so we don't even have to ask him anymore.
Toes is coming along great! I am so happy that the light bulb went off for sure. I have him do toes on any raised surface now so everything is a training opportunity. I have also weaned him a bit off of getting a treat every time so sometimes the reward is food or a game of tug or just lots of loving and praise. I am glad to have a dog that loves to play so that food isn't the only motivator. Dr. G was very happy that we do alot of hind end awareness with him as he thinks it is so important that puppies understand their front and hind ends and of course that is all thanks to Lori teaching us so much foundation work.
Well, since I can't walk this am, going to go do a short training sessions with Deuce.
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