I think we are finally in the teething/chewing phase. He seems to be finding everything he can to chew on, so I am having to be ever vigilant and always have a toy to give him to chew on instead. He was very active last night as we were trying to watch tv (something i hardly ever do), so I was up and down all night! He got in the garbage last night on one of his missions and got a dog food sack out that of course is bigger than him and drug it into the living room to show me. He is such a little mess!
I started working on the table last night. I am going to use load up since that is what we used for Harley and is in my mind. For him, load up means get on the table and lay down and hold position till i say ok. Yesterday was our first time so once I get it more solid, I will use load up on everything and it will mean just get on whatever I am next to and lay down. Same thing with toes, whatever we are using, toes means get on with both back feet and hold till momma says ok.
The weather was nice last night so we did some bang game too on the teeter. When I was working the bang game, I notice a practice arrow in our yard by the fence. I was very upset to say the least. We have some college kid neighbors who have been very good so far but they are hunters. They have their target up against our fence and I had already told them that they needed to be very careful as we had dogs that were out in the yard sometimes. I marched over to have a talk with them but lucky for them, they weren't home. We live in the city so it is illegal to fire any time of weapon so they are breaking the law but i have let it pass till now. Based on how the arrow was, it probably ricochet off of the target and into our back yard but still it had enough force to burrow itself into our yard. I wanted to get things handled before tony got home but they never came home. Tony decided it was our arrow now and broke it in half so I guess they won't be getting it back.
Tomorrow is the day of our exam in KC and I am feeling very good. Miller has been very happy and wanting to do agility in the yard which is so weird for him. He really doesn't like working in the yard but he wanted to do table with deuce last night. He kept on running out and jumping up on the table with trying to intercept him so he wouldn't jump. He thought it was a really fun game and was smiling the whole time. I finally had to put him the house and risk him eating something. Speaking of eating something, Harley ate a big portion of Strawberry's new JM food. I had gone over to the neighbors and left the wash room door open and I had her food in there partially open. Not sure how much he got but his tummy was not happy last night at all. I am going to have to go buy another plastic air tight tub I guess. Why are those little things so expensive?
Need to go work deuce. Decided to teach him shake too and that is coming along nicely but sit pretty is not. It is a hard behavior to get him to offer and when I use the cookie above his head he topples over. I put him in a sit with his back next to my chest so that he can lean back on me, which helps but he always swings around to face me, so I have to place him back in a sit facing away from me. Shake was super easy, I just put his paw in my hand and told him good shake and gave him a cookie. Well, better get to it!
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