halloween night and we have trick or
treaters!!!! What a great time to work on behaviors like sit or down with distractions and wait. Deuce is very excited to see each group of trick or
treaters so is having a lot of trouble but working through it.
What have we been up to lately? We have been shaping the table now. I don't have a removable top but the table is very low so he has no trouble "loading up". This means get on the table and down no matter what.
I felt bad last night because we headed out for Metal fest which is a yearly gathering of local metal bands. We really haven't been doing much lately as far as going out because I hate to have Deuce in the crate too much. We did lots of playing before we left and I made sure he was nice and tired but I still felt bad. On a very funny side note, I had decided to dress up as we were going to go by a friend's costume party. I dressed up as
axl rose. Tony ratted my hair and we put it up like
Axl use to do it
pre chinese democracy era and then I ripped some holes in some old jeans and tony made me a shirt that said "shit happens" which was one of
axl's favorites to wear. I also had a
bandana on my head with some sunglasses on top of that which was also a favorite of
Axl's. Anyway, we stopped by the party, said hi and watched some the people and their crazy costumes and then headed out to
MetalFest. When we got there, we heard they were having a mistress of metal competition. Most of the girls were dressed quite scantily and were way prettier than I was but the host Shawn talked me into getting in it. During the first round, we had to tell what tour bus we wanted to end up in after the concert and of course since
shawn and I are in love with the same singer, she already knew what my answer was. The crowd cheered some of the bands and booed some of them. Many of girls had no clue what to even say so it was kind of comical, since it was about metal. In the second round, we had to tell what our favorite horror movie was and then we had to scream as if we were being killed. Well, I was in band for many years and have great lung capacity from playing in field shows so when it was my turn, I let out a yell that lasted for ever! I couldn't even believe I screamed that loud and that long. I got lots of cheers but of course the girls that were scantily clad got tons of cheers no matter how loud or good they screamed. Shawn reminded the crowd that they were voting for the best scream, not the hottest chick so we all had to scream again. I and three or four other girls got pulled into the finals and they had to
re-vote and the former mistress got to pick the winner. Of course I got picked because of my scream, not because of my looks so I won tickets to a couple of concerts and a new
KROCK tshirt. It was a ton of fun, got lots of high fives and lots of compliments on my scream. I still can't believe I got up there and did it because I was nervous as hell! I guess next year I get to help crown the new mistress of metal!!!!!! We got in around 1:30 and in bed around 2. We had such a great time but i still feel so guilty for poor deuce having to be in the crate so much yesterday. We are going again tonight but he has been out playing all day so I don't feel so guilty. Deuce did wake us up at 7 just like I thought he would but tony got up with him and let me sleep in. I got back up around 9:30 so got some sleep. I have been chugging
caffeine all day today so hopefully I won't fall asleep tonight at the show!
I have to work tomorrow so I plan on taking him to work with me and doing some training. I am trying to get him into as many situations that I can to work his basic training. We are still working on his new tricks, shake, wave, and roll-over as well. He is a very fast learner so I am really enjoying adding some fun stuff in.